Why is not enough demand generated?

In this screenshot…demand is being generated 2 weeks in advance for 16, which I don’t get, then creates a suggested order for 1…but that is not enough to cover the demand through the end of the month…why wouldn’t it created for just one order for the full amount needed since there are not any lot size restrictions?

What date and time did MRP run last? It would be on the header of this Time Phase screen.
Were any sales orders entered/updated after MRP ran last?

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1230am this morning…not that I can see…I checked the orders and they were already in the system and did not have any date movement as of this morning.

Check your MRP cut off date. if that is before the sales order date, MRP will ignore the sales order demand.

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We have MRP running out to the end of the month + 3 months…

that’s probably it then. you can try to increase the cut off date and see if it picks it up.

I am not sure I understand…our cut off goes out to end of January…why wouldn’t it pick up demand in October when it is already counting for other demand on that same date?



Try running it without a cut off date to see if this helps.

Hi Kate,

I believe Days of supply will get the jobs to combine for the supply. I would consider running MRP with at least 30 in there and see what you get, if it combines the jobs for the month’s demand.
