Win 2K and WTS

Hi All,

I thought I read something on this on the list but haven't been able to find
reference to it in the archives...

I just converted my Vantage application server to Win2K. Machine name, drive
mappings are exactly the same as the old server. I can connect local machines
on the network to Vantage fine.

However, I am having problems connecting to the new server with my Windows NT
4.0 Terminal Services edition / Citrix MetaFrame 1.8 ICA clients. I get the
infamous 1432 can't connect error message. I'm testing this on the "local" side
of the firewall so this isn't an issue. I can also Ping the new server by IP
address and hostname. Services file has been checked and we're not using the
"hosts" file.

I've also uninstalled and reinstalled the Progress/Vantage clients.

Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!

Mike Lowe

ps - We're on Vantage 4.00.904 Progress 9.044b