Avoid XP mode. Vantage 6.1 runs poorly in it. I was able to get Vantage 6.1 running in 64 bit Windows 7 with this advice that was shared with me. The other issue is Epicor does not support Vantage 6.1 running in Windows 7.
1. Make folder C:\VNTGWORK, set rights EVERYONE:FULL
2. Run V:\prgs91d\netsetup\setup.exe (assuming "V:" is your epicor
-Working directory: C:\VNTGWORK
3. Run V:\mfgsys61\OCX\InstOCX.exe
4. Import these registry settings for help fix:
5. Import this registry setting for Vista & Windows 7 help fix:
6. Run %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
For 64-bit Win7 Run %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
7. On System DSN tab, click "Add", Select "Merant 3.60 32-BIT Progress",
click "Finish"
8. Use the following parameters (type Exactly As Below!):
Data Source Name: PROGRESS
Description: Vantage by Epicor
Host Name: [your vantage server name]
Port Number: [your configured odbc port number]
Database name: [your configured database name, "usually mfgsys"]
User ID: sysprogress
9. Click "Apply
10. Click "Advanced" tab, set isolation level to "Read Uncommitted" and
array size to 500
11. Test connection (PASSWORD: sysprogress), click OK to exit ODBC admin
Russell Wright
1. Make folder C:\VNTGWORK, set rights EVERYONE:FULL
2. Run V:\prgs91d\netsetup\setup.exe (assuming "V:" is your epicor
-Working directory: C:\VNTGWORK
3. Run V:\mfgsys61\OCX\InstOCX.exe
4. Import these registry settings for help fix:
5. Import this registry setting for Vista & Windows 7 help fix:
6. Run %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
For 64-bit Win7 Run %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
7. On System DSN tab, click "Add", Select "Merant 3.60 32-BIT Progress",
click "Finish"
8. Use the following parameters (type Exactly As Below!):
Data Source Name: PROGRESS
Description: Vantage by Epicor
Host Name: [your vantage server name]
Port Number: [your configured odbc port number]
Database name: [your configured database name, "usually mfgsys"]
User ID: sysprogress
9. Click "Apply
10. Click "Advanced" tab, set isolation level to "Read Uncommitted" and
array size to 500
11. Test connection (PASSWORD: sysprogress), click OK to exit ODBC admin
Russell Wright
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "ramsey_burns" <ramsey@...> wrote:
> Did you try using XP mode?
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "PLAMAN, DICK" <dplaman@> wrote:
> >
> > is this do-able?
> > we want to ready for a ERP upgrade so we are buying Windows 7 - 64 bit systems, but
> > when I try to install Vantage 6.1.....I get an error.
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >