Windows7 64bit & Vantage 6.1

Avoid XP mode. Vantage 6.1 runs poorly in it. I was able to get Vantage 6.1 running in 64 bit Windows 7 with this advice that was shared with me. The other issue is Epicor does not support Vantage 6.1 running in Windows 7.

1. Make folder C:\VNTGWORK, set rights EVERYONE:FULL

2. Run V:\prgs91d\netsetup\setup.exe (assuming "V:" is your epicor

-Working directory: C:\VNTGWORK

3. Run V:\mfgsys61\OCX\InstOCX.exe

4. Import these registry settings for help fix:

5. Import this registry setting for Vista & Windows 7 help fix:

6. Run %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
For 64-bit Win7 Run %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

7. On System DSN tab, click "Add", Select "Merant 3.60 32-BIT Progress",
click "Finish"

8. Use the following parameters (type Exactly As Below!):

Data Source Name: PROGRESS
Description: Vantage by Epicor
Host Name: [your vantage server name]
Port Number: [your configured odbc port number]
Database name: [your configured database name, "usually mfgsys"]
User ID: sysprogress

9. Click "Apply

10. Click "Advanced" tab, set isolation level to "Read Uncommitted" and
array size to 500

11. Test connection (PASSWORD: sysprogress), click OK to exit ODBC admin

Russell Wright

--- In, "ramsey_burns" <ramsey@...> wrote:
> Did you try using XP mode?
> --- In, "PLAMAN, DICK" <dplaman@> wrote:
> >
> > is this do-able?
> > we want to ready for a ERP upgrade so we are buying Windows 7 - 64 bit systems, but
> > when I try to install Vantage 6.1.....I get an error.
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
is this do-able?
we want to ready for a ERP upgrade so we are buying Windows 7 - 64 bit systems, but
when I try to install Vantage 6.1.....I get an error.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Did you try using XP mode?

--- In, "PLAMAN, DICK" <dplaman@...> wrote:
> is this do-able?
> we want to ready for a ERP upgrade so we are buying Windows 7 - 64 bit systems, but
> when I try to install Vantage 6.1.....I get an error.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
According to the following post it is possible, but I have not had luck with Windows 7 - 64 bit. It does work in XP mode, but is highly inefficient.

XP 64 bit works well though.

Good Luck, let me know if it works for you.


RE: Re:Vantage 6.1 / XP 64-Bit OS

The Vantage client 4.x and above will run fine on a 64 bit system.

Copied from a previous post (you will need to make the necessary changes for
your version of Vantage and your environment):

This ended up working great, I now have Vantage 6.1 working perfectly in Windows
7 RC1 x64. In case anyone was wondering the correct line to add to the services
file for 6.1 is:

mfgsys61 6100/tcp

After the steps listed below and the addition of this line all I had to do was
associate .mfg files with V:\mfgsys61\db\Mfg.exe

Hope this helps someone else out there.
Jim & everyone else thank you again.
FYI - we have been running Vantage on 64 bit clients since Windows XP x64 and
Vantage 5.0, other than the manual install we have had no issues. This includes
Vista Business, Enterprise, Windows 7 beta and RC.

Below is an old posting for 5.0 just need to change everything for 6.1.
Did you edit the services file? No shortcuts - copy from another machine or
create a shortcut to the .mfg files you need.
Example: "V:\VANTAGE\Mfg.exe V:\VANTAGE\Vantage.MFG"

Here is what we do:

Vantage Drive = V

Run V:\Progress\netsetup\setup.exe

Run V:\Vantage\OCX\InstOcx.exe

Edit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\services (for example: Epic50 2500/tcp) You
can find the service in the vantage.vtg (for 6.1 vantage.mfg) file, connections=
-S "xxxxx", 2500 is the default port for 5.0, tcp is the protocol.

The services file needs Local Admin rights or Explicit user Rights (Domain Admin
will not work - although Domain Admin can change the rights).

For Vantage Help:

For Vantage help on Windows Vista we did not have to turn off any security
settings. But we did have to add some registry settings. You can copy and paste
the following text into a text file and name it something like vant32hlp.reg.
Then you can either double click on it to install or add it to a script.

Vista 32 bit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Vista 64 bit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




For the older versions of Vantage we had to use the 32bit ODBC Data Source
administrator located in: C:\Windows\SysWow64\odbcad32.exe. This is not the same
one in "Administrative Tools".


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

--- In, "PLAMAN, DICK" <dplaman@...> wrote:
> is this do-able?
> we want to ready for a ERP upgrade so we are buying Windows 7 - 64 bit systems, but
> when I try to install Vantage 6.1.....I get an error.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]