Year End Procedure for E10


I am looking for a comprehensive year end procedure for E10. Form a system point of view, is there anything more than running the “Transfer Opening Balances to Next Year”, “Verify Balances” and “Close Fiscal Period Year” ?

Thank you,


Have you looked at support article 19606ESC?

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Thanks Dan!

to find that article, log into Epicweb, go to Search Tips (lower left of screen in gray), select “ERP 10 Ent Ed” for the Platform, and enter 19606ESC as the Tech Tip number.

I hope there is an easier way…

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Thank you both, that was exactly what I was looking for.

Hi All,

I am unable to get hold of the document and to assist my Finance colleagues with the upcoming EoFY process, I was wondering if it would be possible for one of you to email me a copy of the 19606ESC document.

Many thanks in advance.

Please find attached

Daniel Cardoso | IT Manager

Direct: +1 (267) 932-2380

Mobile: +1 (267) 257-9169

2705 Clemens Road, Suite A-103

Hatfield, PA 19440

E10 Year End procedure.pdf (97.1 KB)

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Hi Daniel,

Many thanks. As we say here in Australia “You legend” (Australian slang for “You are fabulous”). :slight_smile:


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