BAQ indented BoM returning 100 repeating levels

It doesn’t stop for me if it’s a phantom. Can you explain a little more what you are seeing?

Hi guys,

I don’t want to be left out so here is my example , but i am going thru quote material records. Its been a while since i don’t run this, you will notice that I have to sort base on OrderNum,OrderLine,Release,Mtl Sequence, and Parent Material seq to keep it in the right order. In Addition I dont think I have a limit of how many levels I go deep, but again in our company we don’t have a lot of levels. Also If you put this into a dashboard I recommend to filter base on a sales order and line.

Reading your comments I did also encounter issues with Material revisions and couldn’t make it to work to find the most recently.

Here is the logic for the indented field (DisplayPartNumber)

(case when not SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum is null and len(SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum) > 0 then
Replace(SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,SUBSTRING(SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,1,CHARINDEX ( SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum , SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,1) - 1), Replicate( ’ ', Len(SUBSTRING(SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,1,CHARINDEX ( SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum ,SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,1) - 1))) )
SubQuery11.QuoteMtl_PartNum end)

Hope it helps

ETK-BOMReviewCosts.baq (210.8 KB)

This is my latest and greatest BOM with costs.

The BAQ gets the latest approved rev of the child part on the BOM, as it revision number.

This was missing on the last BAQ. The BAQ from the dashboard forced the child parts revision to be that of the parents revision number. This could cause the looping to stop as there is no Parent Part Rev in the system.

	[ChildPartMtl].[PartNum] as [ChildPartMtl_PartNum],
	[ChildPartMtl].[RevisionNum] as [ChildPartMtl_RevisionNum],
	[MaterialCTE1].[Part_PartDescription] as [Part_PartDescription],
	[ChildPartMtl].[MtlPartNum] as [ChildPartMtl_MtlPartNum],
	**[MaterialCTE1].[PartMtl_RevisionNum] as [PartMtl_RevisionNum],**
	[ChildPartMtl].[MtlSeq] as [ChildPartMtl_MtlSeq],
	(MaterialCTE1.Calculated_Level  + 1) as [Calculated_Level2],
	(Cast(MaterialCTE1.Calculated_Path + '.' as nvarchar(255))) as [Calculated_Path2],
	(cast(MaterialCTE1.Calculated_LSeq + '\' + convert(varchar,ChildPartMtl.PartNum) + '\' + (RIGHT('00000' + CAST(ChildPartMtl.MtlSeq AS NVARCHAR(5)), 5 )) as nvarchar(255))) as [Calculated_LevSeq2],
	[MaterialCTE1].[PartMtl_QtyPer] as [PartMtl_QtyPer],
	(cast(ChildPartMtl.QtyPer as decimal(10,1))) as [Calculated_MLQty]
from Erp.PartMtl as ChildPartMtl
inner join  MaterialCTE  as MaterialCTE1 on 
	ChildPartMtl.PartNum = MaterialCTE1.PartMtl_MtlPartNum
	and ChildPartMtl.RevisionNum = MaterialCTE1.Calculated_Rev
where (ChildPartMtl.PartNum is not null))
1 Like

Are you able to follow the BAQ I posted? The data you are showing is not based on the BOM is it? How are you connecting the quote material to the BOM?

I thought once the material is put to a quote you are using a different table (not PartMtl) Can you share you whole query phrase? Might be a good idea to start a new thread with just this issue, so it doesn’t get lost.

@knash Here you go, I will have to refresh my memory cause its little bit dusty ,its been a while since i wrote it. What i am doing is to get the bom from quote material make an union to PartMtl, then calling Part Material and link it to my CTE query. Maybe is not the most efficient way of doing it but hell it gives me part of what i need even though I haven’t figure out how to get the last revision for the parts in the bom.

I will run the query as soon as I can been busy lately.

With [SubQuery1] AS
[QuoteMtl].[Company] as [QuoteMtl_Company],
[QuoteMtl].[PartNum] as [QuoteMtl_PartNum],
(‘’) as [Calculated_MtlPartNum],
(Cast(QuoteMtl.QtyPer as decimal (10,2))) as [Calculated_QtyPer],
(’ ') as [Calculated_RevisionNumber],
(0) as [Calculated_QuoteMaterialSeq],
(0) as [Calculated_PartMtlSeq],
(-1) as [Calculated_PartLevel],
[QuoteMtl].[QuoteNum] as [QuoteMtl_QuoteNum],
[QuoteMtl].[QuoteLine] as [QuoteMtl_QuoteLine],
[QuoteMtl].[MtlSeq] as [QuoteMtl_MtlSeq],
(QuoteMtl.PartNum) as [Calculated_QuoteMaterial],
[OrderDtl1].[OrderNum] as [OrderDtl1_OrderNum],
[OrderDtl1].[OrderLine] as [OrderDtl1_OrderLine],
[QuoteMtl].[FixedQty] as [QuoteMtl_FixedQty],
[OrderDtl1].[SalesCatID] as [OrderDtl1_SalesCatID]
from Erp.QuoteMtl as QuoteMtl
inner join Erp.OrderDtl as OrderDtl1 on
OrderDtl1.Company = QuoteMtl.Company
OrderDtl1.QuoteNum = QuoteMtl.QuoteNum
OrderDtl1.QuoteLine = QuoteMtl.QuoteLine
and ( OrderDtl1.OpenLine = 1 )

[PartMtl].[Company] as [PartMtl_Company],
[PartMtl].[PartNum] as [PartMtl_PartNum],
[PartMtl].[MtlPartNum] as [PartMtl_MtlPartNum],
((case when QuoteMtl1.FixedQty = 1 THEN
cast(QuoteMtl1.QtyPer as decimal (10,2))
Cast(PartMtl.QtyPer * QuoteMtl1.QtyPer as decimal (10,2) )
end)) as [Calculated_PartMaterialReqQty],
[PartMtl].[RevisionNum] as [PartMtl_RevisionNum],
[PartMtl].[MtlSeq] as [PartMtl_MtlSeq],
[PartMtl].[ParentMtlSeq] as [PartMtl_ParentMtlSeq],
(0) as [Calculated_PartLevelMaterial],
[QuoteMtl1].[QuoteNum] as [QuoteMtl1_QuoteNum],
[QuoteMtl1].[QuoteLine] as [QuoteMtl1_QuoteLine],
[QuoteMtl1].[MtlSeq] as [QuoteMtl1_MtlSeq],
(cast(concat( cast(QuoteMtl1.PartNum AS NVARCHAR(255) ) , ‘/’, cast(PartMtl.MtlPartNum AS NVARCHAR(255)) ) AS NVARCHAR(255 ))) as [Calculated_QuotePartMaterial],
[OrderDtl2].[OrderNum] as [OrderDtl2_OrderNum],
[OrderDtl2].[OrderLine] as [OrderDtl2_OrderLine],
[QuoteMtl1].[FixedQty] as [QuoteMtl1_FixedQty],
[OrderDtl2].[SalesCatID] as [OrderDtl2_SalesCatID]
from Erp.PartMtl as PartMtl
inner join Erp.QuoteMtl as QuoteMtl1 on
QuoteMtl1.Company = PartMtl.Company
QuoteMtl1.PartNum = PartMtl.PartNum

inner join Erp.OrderDtl as OrderDtl2 on
OrderDtl2.Company = QuoteMtl1.Company
OrderDtl2.QuoteNum = QuoteMtl1.QuoteNum
OrderDtl2.QuoteLine = QuoteMtl1.QuoteLine
and ( OrderDtl2.OpenLine = 1 )

[PartMtl1].[Company] as [PartMtl1_Company],
[PartMtl1].[PartNum] as [PartMtl1_PartNum],
[PartMtl1].[MtlPartNum] as [PartMtl1_MtlPartNum],
(Cast(SubQuery1.Calculated_QtyPer * PartMtl1.QtyPer as decimal(10,2))) as [Calculated_RecursiveMaterialQty],
[PartMtl1].[RevisionNum] as [PartMtl1_RevisionNum],
[PartMtl1].[MtlSeq] as [PartMtl1_MtlSeq],
[PartMtl1].[ParentMtlSeq] as [PartMtl1_ParentMtlSeq],
(SubQuery1.Calculated_PartLevel + 1) as [Calculated_RecursivePartLevel],
[SubQuery1].[QuoteMtl_QuoteNum] as [QuoteMtl_QuoteNum],
[SubQuery1].[QuoteMtl_QuoteLine] as [QuoteMtl_QuoteLine],
[SubQuery1].[QuoteMtl_MtlSeq] as [QuoteMtl_MtlSeq],
(cast(concat(cast(SubQuery1.Calculated_QuoteMaterial AS nVARCHAR(255)) , ‘/’, cast( PartMtl1.MtlPartNum AS nVARCHAR(255)) ) AS nVARCHAR(255))) as [Calculated_RecursivePartMaterial],
[SubQuery1].[OrderDtl1_OrderNum] as [OrderDtl1_OrderNum],
[SubQuery1].[OrderDtl1_OrderLine] as [OrderDtl1_OrderLine],
[SubQuery1].[QuoteMtl_FixedQty] as [QuoteMtl_FixedQty],
[SubQuery1].[OrderDtl1_SalesCatID] as [OrderDtl1_SalesCatID]
from Erp.PartMtl as PartMtl1
inner join SubQuery1 as SubQuery1 on
SubQuery1.QuoteMtl_Company = PartMtl1.Company
SubQuery1.Calculated_MtlPartNum = PartMtl1.PartNum
SubQuery1.Calculated_RevisionNumber = PartMtl1.RevisionNum)

[SubQuery11].[QuoteMtl_QuoteNum] as [QuoteMtl_QuoteNum],
[SubQuery11].[QuoteMtl_QuoteLine] as [QuoteMtl_QuoteLine],
[SubQuery11].[QuoteMtl_MtlSeq] as [QuoteMtl_MtlSeq],
[SubQuery11].[QuoteMtl_PartNum] as [QuoteMtl_PartNum],
[SubQuery11].[Calculated_QtyPer] as [Calculated_QtyPer],
[SubQuery11].[Calculated_PartLevel] as [Calculated_PartLevel],
[SubQuery11].[Calculated_RevisionNumber] as [Calculated_RevisionNumber],
[SubQuery11].[Calculated_MtlPartNum] as [Calculated_MtlPartNum],
[SubQuery11].[Calculated_QuoteMaterialSeq] as [Calculated_QuoteMaterialSeq],
[SubQuery11].[Calculated_QuoteMaterial] as [Calculated_QuoteMaterial],
[PartMtl2].[MtlPartNum] as [PartMtl2_MtlPartNum],
[PartMtl2].[MtlSeq] as [PartMtl2_MtlSeq],
(case when not SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum is null and SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum <> ‘’ then
SubQuery11.QuoteMtl_PartNum end) as [Calculated_RequiredMaterial],
((case when not SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum is null and len(SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum) > 0 then
Replace(SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,SUBSTRING(SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,1,CHARINDEX ( SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum , SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,1) - 1), Replicate( ’ ', Len(SUBSTRING(SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,1,CHARINDEX ( SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum ,SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial,1) - 1))) )
SubQuery11.QuoteMtl_PartNum end)) as [Calculated_DisplayPartNumber],
[Part].[PartDescription] as [Part_PartDescription],
[OrderRel].[OrderNum] as [OrderRel_OrderNum],
[OrderRel].[OrderLine] as [OrderRel_OrderLine],
[OrderRel].[OrderRelNum] as [OrderRel_OrderRelNum],
[OrderRel].[SellingReqQty] as [OrderRel_SellingReqQty],
[OrderDtl].[LineDesc] as [OrderDtl_LineDesc],
[OrderDtl].[PartNum] as [OrderDtl_PartNum],
[OrderRel].[ReqDate] as [OrderRel_ReqDate],
[OrderRel].[NeedByDate] as [OrderRel_NeedByDate],
[OrderHed].[OrderDate] as [OrderHed_OrderDate],
[Part].[TypeCode] as [Part_TypeCode],
[OrderDtl].[SalesCatID] as [OrderDtl_SalesCatID],
[SubQuery11].[OrderDtl1_OrderNum] as [OrderDtl1_OrderNum],
[SubQuery11].[OrderDtl1_OrderLine] as [OrderDtl1_OrderLine],
[SalesCat].[Description] as [SalesCat_Description],
[SubQuery6].[PODetail_PONUM] as [PODetail_PONUM],
[SubQuery6].[PODetail_POLine] as [PODetail_POLine],
[SubQuery6].[PORel_DueDate] as [PORel_DueDate],
[SubQuery6].[PORel_PromiseDt] as [PORel_PromiseDt],
[SubQuery6].[Calculated_OpenPOQty] as [Calculated_OpenPOQty],
[SubQuery8].[Calculated_TotalQtyDemand] as [Calculated_TotalQtyDemand],
[SubQuery8].[Calculated_TotalQtyOnHand] as [Calculated_TotalQtyOnHand],
((case when SubQuery11.QuoteMtl_FixedQty = 1 then
OrderRel.SellingReqQty * SubQuery11.Calculated_QtyPer
end)) as [Calculated_MtlRequiredQty],
[JobProd].[JobNum] as [JobProd_JobNum],
(SubQuery8.Calculated_TotalQtyDemand - (case when JobProd.JobNum is null then 0 else MtlRequiredQty end)) as [Calculated_ActualDemand],
(SubQuery8.Calculated_TotalQtyOnHand - SubQuery8.Calculated_TotalQtyDemand) as [Calculated_Available],
((case when MtlRequiredQty <= SubQuery8.Calculated_TotalQtyOnHand - ActualDemand then
when SubQuery8.Calculated_TotalQtyOnHand - ActualDemand > 0 then
SubQuery8.Calculated_TotalQtyOnHand - ActualDemand
)) as [Calculated_MissingQty]
from SubQuery1 as SubQuery11
left outer join Erp.PartMtl as PartMtl2 on
PartMtl2.Company = SubQuery11.QuoteMtl_Company
PartMtl2.PartNum = SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum
PartMtl2.RevisionNum = SubQuery11.Calculated_RevisionNumber

left outer join Erp.Part as Part on
Part.Company = SubQuery11.QuoteMtl_Company
Part.PartNum = (case when not SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum is null and SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum <> ‘’ then SubQuery11.Calculated_MtlPartNum else SubQuery11.QuoteMtl_PartNum end)

inner join Erp.OrderDtl as OrderDtl on
OrderDtl.Company = SubQuery11.QuoteMtl_Company
OrderDtl.OrderNum = SubQuery11.OrderDtl1_OrderNum
OrderDtl.OrderLine = SubQuery11.OrderDtl1_OrderLine
and ( OrderDtl.OpenLine = 1 )

inner join Erp.OrderHed as OrderHed on
OrderDtl.Company = OrderHed.Company
OrderDtl.OrderNum = OrderHed.OrderNum
and ( OrderHed.OpenOrder = 1 )

inner join Erp.OrderRel as OrderRel on
OrderRel.Company = OrderDtl.Company
OrderRel.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum
OrderRel.OrderLine = OrderDtl.OrderLine
and ( OrderRel.OrderNum = 77225 and OrderRel.OrderLine = 1 )

left outer join Erp.SalesCat as SalesCat on
OrderDtl.Company = SalesCat.Company
OrderDtl.SalesCatID = SalesCat.SalesCatID

left outer join (select
[PODetail].[Company] as [PODetail_Company],
[PODetail].[PONUM] as [PODetail_PONUM],
[PODetail].[POLine] as [PODetail_POLine],
[PODetail].[PartNum] as [PODetail_PartNum],
[PORel].[DueDate] as [PORel_DueDate],
[PORel].[PromiseDt] as [PORel_PromiseDt],
[PORel].[XRelQty] as [PORel_XRelQty],
[PORel].[ReceivedQty] as [PORel_ReceivedQty],
(PORel.XRelQty - PORel.ReceivedQty) as [Calculated_OpenPOQty]
from Erp.PODetail as PODetail
inner join Erp.PORel as PORel on
PODetail.Company = PORel.Company
PODetail.PONUM = PORel.PONum
PODetail.POLine = PORel.POLine
and ( PORel.OpenRelease = 1 )

where (PODetail.OpenLine = 1)
and PODetail.PONUM = (select Calculated_FirstPONum from ((select
[PODetail1].[Company] as [PODetail1_Company],
[PODetail1].[PartNum] as [PODetail1_PartNum],
(Min(PORel1.PONUM)) as [Calculated_FirstPONum],
(Min(PORel1.POLine)) as [Calculated_FirstPOLine],
(Min(PORel1.PORelNum)) as [Calculated_FirstPORelNum]
from Erp.PODetail as PODetail1
inner join Erp.PORel as PORel1 on
PODetail1.Company = PORel1.Company
PODetail1.PONUM = PORel1.PONum
PODetail1.POLine = PORel1.POLine
and ( PORel1.OpenRelease = 1 )

where (PODetail1.OpenLine = 1 and PODetail1.PartNum = PODetail.PartNum)
group by [PODetail1].[Company],
[PODetail1].[PartNum])) as SubQuery7) and PODetail.POLine = (select Calculated_FirstPOLine from ((select
[PODetail1].[Company] as [PODetail1_Company],
[PODetail1].[PartNum] as [PODetail1_PartNum],
(Min(PORel1.PONUM)) as [Calculated_FirstPONum],
(Min(PORel1.POLine)) as [Calculated_FirstPOLine],
(Min(PORel1.PORelNum)) as [Calculated_FirstPORelNum]
from Erp.PODetail as PODetail1
inner join Erp.PORel as PORel1 on
PODetail1.Company = PORel1.Company
PODetail1.PONUM = PORel1.PONum
PODetail1.POLine = PORel1.POLine
and ( PORel1.OpenRelease = 1 )

where (PODetail1.OpenLine = 1 and PODetail1.PartNum = PODetail.PartNum)
group by [PODetail1].[Company],
[PODetail1].[PartNum])) as SubQuery7) and PORel.PORelNum = (select Calculated_FirstPORelNum from ((select
[PODetail1].[Company] as [PODetail1_Company],
[PODetail1].[PartNum] as [PODetail1_PartNum],
(Min(PORel1.PONUM)) as [Calculated_FirstPONum],
(Min(PORel1.POLine)) as [Calculated_FirstPOLine],
(Min(PORel1.PORelNum)) as [Calculated_FirstPORelNum]
from Erp.PODetail as PODetail1
inner join Erp.PORel as PORel1 on
PODetail1.Company = PORel1.Company
PODetail1.PONUM = PORel1.PONum
PODetail1.POLine = PORel1.POLine
and ( PORel1.OpenRelease = 1 )

where (PODetail1.OpenLine = 1 and PODetail1.PartNum = PODetail.PartNum)
group by [PODetail1].[Company],
[PODetail1].[PartNum])) as SubQuery7)) as SubQuery6 on
SubQuery6.PODetail_Company = Part.Company
SubQuery6.PODetail_PartNum = Part.PartNum

inner join (select
[PartWhse1].[Company] as [PartWhse1_Company],
[PartWhse1].[PartNum] as [PartWhse1_PartNum],
(sum( PartQty.DemandQty)) as [Calculated_TotalQtyDemand],
(sum( PartQty.OnHandQty)) as [Calculated_TotalQtyOnHand]
from Erp.PartWhse as PartWhse1
inner join Erp.PartQty as PartQty on
PartQty.Company = PartWhse1.Company
PartQty.PartNum = PartWhse1.PartNum
PartQty.WarehouseCode = PartWhse1.WarehouseCode

group by [PartWhse1].[Company],
[PartWhse1].[PartNum]) as SubQuery8 on
SubQuery8.PartWhse1_Company = Part.Company
SubQuery8.PartWhse1_PartNum = Part.PartNum

left outer join Erp.JobProd as JobProd on
JobProd.Company = OrderRel.Company
JobProd.OrderNum = OrderRel.OrderNum
JobProd.OrderLine = OrderRel.OrderLine
JobProd.OrderRelNum = OrderRel.OrderRelNum
order by SubQuery11.OrderDtl1_OrderNum , SubQuery11.OrderDtl1_OrderLine , SubQuery11.QuoteMtl_MtlSeq , SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterial , SubQuery11.Calculated_QuoteMaterialSeq

The revision number you are using is not the revision of the MtlPartNum (child part) it is the revision of PartNum ( Parent Part). You will have to figure out what the MtlPartNum’s revision number is from the PartRev table, because it is not stored in the PartMtl table.

I know this is an old post, but I made the same mistake as the original poster. The problem is with the JOIN in SubQuery2 between PartMtl and SubQuery1. The JOIN needs to be:

SubQuery1.PartMtl_MtlPartNum = PartMtl.PartNum (notice SubQuery1 is ‘MtlPartNum’. )

With this correction, the BAQ example in the ICE Tools User Guide will work correctly.


I imported your BAQ an d received the below error message when I tested it.

Severity: Error, Table: , Field: , RowID: , Text: References to inaccessible tables detected:
subquery ‘PartXRefA’, table ‘Erp.PartXRefVend_UD’ with alias ‘PartXRefVendA_UD’

I am a newbie to writing and debugging code so if you could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.



There is a UD field in this query. You don’t have that field in your database.

Thanks Brandon. I am looking for it and cannot for the life of me, find it. I would assume to look in PartXRefVendA but I do not see a UD field there but I have known to be blind. :slight_smile:

Thanks Brandon. I am looking for it and cannot for the life of me, find it. I would assume to look in PartXRefVendA but I do not see a UD field there but I have known to be blind. :slight_smile:

I’ll probabably have to refer to @knash this one I guess. It’s not in the query that you posted. I don’t have the query in my system to poke around with it.

Does the error show when you analyze it? Only when you run it? It’s not a pop up right?

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The query is the one knash uploaded above called ETK-BOMReviewCosts.baq from Nov '18. When I analyze it, I get the below Query Execution Message:

References to inaccessible tables detected:
subquery ‘PartXRefA’, table ‘Erp.PartXRefVend_UD’ with alias ‘PartXRefVendA_UD’

Found it in the code. Now I just need to go find it in the Query Builder and remove it.

left outer join (select
[PartXRefVendA].[Company] as [PartXRefVendA_Company],
[PartXRefVendA].[PartNum] as [PartXRefVendA_PartNum],
[PartXRefVendA].[VendorNum] as [PartXRefVendA_VendorNum],
[PartXRefVendA].[VendPartNum] as [PartXRefVendA_VendPartNum],
[PartXRefVendA].[MfgNum] as [PartXRefVendA_MfgNum],
[PartXRefVendA].[MfgPartNum] as [PartXRefVendA_MfgPartNum],
[PartXRefVendA].[LeadTime] as [PartXRefVendA_LeadTime],
[PartXRefVendA_UD].[Number01] as [PartXRefVendA_Number01]
from Erp.PartXRefVend as PartXRefVendA

1 Like

My guess is that you want to go to the PartXRefA query and remove the ud fields

Thanks Ken. I am not sure if it is 10.2.100 or something else because see the below screen shots. I am getting the error when I test or analyze it but it is not showing in the Query Builder display. What would you recommend using to edit the SQL if I were to export it, fix the code and then import it?


@knash is your database an uplift from E9?

@jimphillips, it looks like this is going to be a business specific BAQ. So you would use this as an example to build your own.

I would remove the following from the top level query. See what happens then. The BAQ has a lot going on.

a few calculated fields may need to be removed as well.

Hello Bruce,

As provided, the dashboard works well - thank you very much. There is a lot to learn in your example as well.

