Calling database stored procedure

Can anybody tell me if I can call a stored procedure in the database and pass it values to parameters from Kinetic in anyway please?



The answer here is that this is the wrong thing to do in almost any circumstance.

You shouldn’t be adding your own procedures to the database

You shouldn’t be making any database direct changes everything should be addressed via de business objects unless you are referring to an external non Epicor database.

It violates your support agreement and could lead to a lot of pain and suffering please stay away from the DB

I recommend your familiarize yourself with the ICE Tools, BPM Engine and Tayloring capabilities of Epicor and use those tools to make any process changes needed to fit your business

In the epicweb site there are extensive guides for ICE Tools, Customization and Programmer Guides as well as a series of free education courses in Epicor university


Ok thanks.

Stored Procedures hit the database directly, of course, so I will point you to this thread on the topic that points out the issues with that practice, and specifically to this post by Bart.

If by Kinetic you mean the web interface, then there is no way to call a stored procedure directly that I’m aware of. Leaving the SQL Server open to access like that is a security nightmare. You could write your own secured API that calls the stored procedure, and if you were in the cloud, use Logic Apps to launch the SP.

And there may be other solutions to the problem that you’re trying to solve…

Most likely you can do what you want in an EpiFunction, which would be supported.

Plus you can call those from the Kinetic interface, as well as BPMs.

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You can do it from WinForms customization, BPM, or Function.

If the meme was not clear, I don’t recommend it…