Copy to Excel Suddenly Stopped working for a user

Windows 10
Office 365
I have a user that just this morning was able to right click on a grid in Epicor and Copy to Excel. Suddently it stopped working. I did a wipe and reinstall of Epicor. A repair of Office and it still isn’t working. Also cleared Epicor cache. Works for all other users.
No errors, nothing at all. If I watch task manager for Epicor, I can see CPU usage jump a hair and then come back down every time I click Copy to Excel. It’s like it is trying but nothing.
Any ideas?


Do a little more searching n this site. I recall seeing that issue come up from time to time. I’ve never been directly affected, so the resolution wasn’t something I cast to memory.


Maybe this one …

I suggest restarting the user and trying again. Errr, I mean the computer hahah

LOL Troubleshooting 101

Delete the epicor cache folder in c:\programdata\epicor. Then, if you are on office 365 try a long repair of office and reboot.

I did both with no luck. I ended up having to delete and recreate his Windows profile and all is good again.

please mark you post about deleting the windows profile as the solution