Creating custom code in function designer and having issues with "using" and assembly references

I’m trying to create a block of code where I pull in a BAQ and do some things but I’m having issues getting the BAQ in there. To get the BAQ into the function I’m assuming that in Epicor Functions Maintenance when I design this code I’ll need Ice.Contracts.BO.DynamicQuery.dll added into References - Assemblies, and also ICE:BO:DynamicQuery in References - Services. I’m assuming that in Function Designer after dropping the “Execute Custom Code” block in and opening Enter Custom code that I then go into “Usings” and add all my relevant libraries < if that’s the correct term, using Ice.Contracts; using Ice.BO;. Then if I enter the following code:

DynamicQuery tQuery;

tQuery = new DynamicQuery();
tQuery = tQuery.GetByID("EAB_PartTracker2");

I get this error: CS0246 “The type or namespace name ‘DynamicQuery’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)”

I should preface that I’m very new to C# and Epicor. What I’m hung up on is how am I getting this error when I’m adding the Assembly Ice.Contracts.BO.DynamicQuery & Service Ice.BO.DynamicQuery and adding the using Ice.BO and Ice.Contracts?

Here’s how to do it with widgets.

Epicor Functions and BAQs - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum (