Custom EpiDataView-how to add row

That error is coming up from a combobox … looks like a combo is not setup correctly. Also make sure you have a SysRowID column of type GUID in your data table.

can you explain the SysRowId? just making sure I am not doing something wrong on my end. This table is local only…

EpiDataViews expect (and need) a SysRowID column in any table they are bound to, and not having that column can sometimes yield funny errors. Just add a column called SysRowID with a data type of GUID and initialize the value to Guid.NewGuid();

ok then each row would need an unique GUID as well…


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Not necesarely… but yes that would be better. YOu can just use Guid.NewGuid(); as default value for the column;

DataColumn dc = new DataColumn("SysRowID",typeof(Guid));
dc.DefaultValue = Guid.NewGuid();

Alright gents, got this working. Thank you both for your help!!
The hard coded combobox “DescColumnName” property apparently needs to match the binding name in the epidataview.


I’ll add the SysRowID info and be on my merry way.
Thanks again guys

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glad I couldn’t help … darn combobox the whole time… lol

Haha, well I learned alot from you about how to property add a row to an EpiDataView! I wish I could give this one two solutions

I actually changed the solution after thinking about it. Since this answers how to add a row to a custom epidataview, your first response was perfect.
The rest was just my crap code being reviewed :slight_smile:



True that #ScopeCreep