Daylight Saving Time

Don’t forget to go into the Sys Agent, and update the Next Run time on your schedules.



Why do we even have DST anymore. Besides the fact that it would literally take an act of congress to get rid of (in the US anyway). :roll_eyes:

This is made more difficult because the US DST differs from Europe’s. So changing it for one messes things up for the other…

And if you used to watch VEEP, you know how Jonah Ryan felt about DST

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@ckrusen Thanks for the reminder!

At the very least, why doesn’t Epicor have a checkbox that addresses that like my $10 clock? :expressionless:


I did create a BPM that automatically addresses it. But was never confident enough, that I enabled it. Worked in the very limited testing I did. But having to update a half dozen schedules, twice a year was easy enough.

Seems like it would be trivial for Epicor’s System Agent to just look at the time on the server?


What if the server is in a different time zone than the company? And one of them doesn’t do DLS?

Get out of here with your multi-time zone mumbo jumbo logic.

I don’t care for it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Geez you support guys… always looking for problems beforehand. Where’s your sense of adventure?

I have the added fun that I am in a province that does not change. I have to remember what schedules are used for us vs. the locations outside our province. Sigh.

So, if you stand still and the rest of world moves then I am effectively moving. Each year I move from Central time to Mountain and back again.

What’s your suggested alternative? Fixed 24 hour per day with no shift, or micro adjustments per day …subtract or add to the end of every day so sunrise is the same time every day?

In Canada… a survey showed that over 70% of the population is in favor… and 63% in US… And politician are putting it in their agenda… In Ontario they just passed a legislation in favor article So it is getting there ! All it is needed is that it happens everywhere …in North America!

So maybe within the next 10 years it will be done!!! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :wink:



Might as well do away with times zones while we’re at it, and have everyone use UTC.

I wouldn’t mind starting work at noon UTC everyday. :wink:


I wish there was this reminder for my Door entry system… As someone else said, why can’t something like this have fields to specify an auto adjustment to the clocks! I had a ton of employees who couldn’t get in the building on Monday at their normal time since the doors thought it was an hour earlier. Ugh… Add that to my list of things to do twice a year.

Whelp, because I like to be future-lazy, I made a BPM that makes it so I can just check the box and have it change all of my schedules.

For anyone that wants it (test in a non-production environment, code-as is, blah, blah, blah):
It will require you to add a field to SysAgent called DST_c (boolean).
DST.031621.bpm (34.5 KB)