ECO Mass Check In Issue

Has anyone else seen this issue trying to do a mass check in? I did a DMT update of parts and need to get the parts checked back in. It will let me do them 1 at a time but I can’t do a group check in. I have 3000 plus parts to check in.

“The cast to the value type ‘System.Guid’ failed because the materialized value is null”

Turns out it’s a bad record. Deeper into the BO.

BMM10_GD.FindFirstPartMtlSysRowID(String company, String partNum, String revisionNum, String altMethod, Int32 mtlSeq) in C:_Releases\ERP\RL10.2.600.0\Source\Server\Internal\BM\EngWBLib\BMM10-GD.i.Queries.cs:line 439

FindFirstPartMtlSysRowID was returning null

I can’t figure out why but once narrowed down, was able to undo checkout on it at least.