Embedded Dashboard

Warning- Embedded Dashboard invoked as a Subscriber, but there is no Filter defined for the Published columns. Please notify system administrator.

I have subscribed to the correct ID, even have a Dashboard Browse for the exact same ID an still get this error. Ideas?

Seems like the same dead end I’m heading to. Oh well, I’ll keep trying. Yesterday I had this and got rid of it, but now, it’s being a big pain.

Just an FYI…I was running into this on the Supplier Tracker - version 10.1.6.xx
Found an answerbook on EpicCare which says this is a known bug scheduled to be fixed in 10.2.xx

The answerbook also suggests a workaround- verify Primary Browse is checked in the dashboard filter - which didn’t work in may case.

but… I did finally manage to get it working by trial and error - switching multiple, different settings back & forth in both the dashboard and the custom forms sheet wizard.