EpiShape Control on Order Entry/Tracker


I’m relativity new to C# and Epicor Customizations. I have added an EpiShape to the Sales Order Summary sheet. I am trying to drive the visibility and color of the shape with the state of a UD checkbox added to the OrderHed_UD table. The UD Checkbox is used to prevent a pack from being created unique to our process much like a typical credit hold could be set up to prevent shipments. The UD Checkbox is marked true from a Data Directive, In-Transaction type, BPM upon a change to another UD field on the Sales Order Summary Sheet and marked fales through an Updatable Dashboard used by accounting. I have tried triggering code below with an AfterRowChange event but have not been able to get it to run. Am I in the right event? Do I have the right code?

private void OrderHed_AfterRowChange(EpiRowChangedArgs args)
// ** Argument Properties and Uses **
// args.CurrentView.dataView[args.CurrentRow][“FieldName”]
// args.LastRow, args.CurrentRow, args.CurrentView
// Add Event Handler Code

// bool myVal = (bool)args.CurrentView.dataView[args.CurrentRow]["MachineCRHold_c"];
bool myVal = true;
// bool myVal = false;	

if (myVal == true)
	MachineCRHold_c.Enabled = true;
	MachineCRHold_c.Status = StatusTypes.Stop;
	MachineCRHold_c.Visible = true;
	MachineCRHold_c.Enabled = false;
	MachineCRHold_c.Visible = false;
	// MachineCRHold_c.Status = StatusTypes.OK;


This post helped a lot. Using an EpiNotiication Event is where I should have placed my code
