Filtering an EpiCombo

More Examples for the sake of the thread.


You can also use SQL Functions, Ice SQL Functions.

Behind The Scenes

SearchFilter + EpiFilters + EpiFiltersAppend are just combined and executed against SQL (they are not post-filters).

Also just for the record, if your SearchFilter starts with CodeTypeID Epicor will set the DropDownStyle Automatically to DropDownList. So you dont have to set it in Code anymore.


Hi guys, @hmwillett , @hkeric.wci @josecgomez
Just a quick question. Everything is working great except for one small problem. When we save the Project Customer as the one we select from the dropdown list, it reverts back to the entry at the top of the list the next time we open the memo. I have bound the control to the ProjectCustomer field in MemoUD table, but it seems the list generation for the combobox is overwriting the content every time. Is there a way to display the value that was saved, it is after all in the list, just not always at the top. I have experimented a bit with the properties but had no luck as yet.

I figured it out eventually. I needed Character01 in the ValueMember, not Key1. As Key1 is the Project Number it obviously did not exist in the Project Customer list. Seems fine now.

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