From a Dashboard, use a button to open a BAQ Report I designed and pass 3 fields to the report options


I created a button on my Dashboard that opens a report printer I designed BAQ Report Designer, it works fine.
I would like to be able to pass it 3 fields from the dashboard on any row highlighted in the epiUltraGrid if possible.

Any ideas out there?

All help is appreciated.



Any help is appreciated!



What part are you having trouble with

I have the button created and opening the BAQ Report and created in Designer. I was hoping to try and pass it 3 parameters from the dashboard that has the button.


I am not grasping how to do that yet. Would you be able to point me in the right direction?

I really appreciate the help.

I assume those fields come from your dashboard grid?
You will want to create an EpiDataView from the dashboard grid(s) that you’ll be pulling from


Next, you’ll want to pull values from the grid based on which row the dataview has selected

You now have variables that pulled values from the dataview.

I’m not entirely sure how to pass those variables into a BAQ Report, but I’m sure there’s a way. I just haven’t done it so I won’t have any examples.

You might find some good examples of what the data might look like here:

I assume you’ll be calling the BAQ report from a DynamicReport adapter?

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