Fulfillment - Unreserve OrderAlloc


I have successfully created a function which does the same thing as the “Reserve” action in the Fulfillment Workbench, using the BO service Erp.BO.OrderAllocSvc.

I am now trying to create a “Unreserve” function. When calling the BO method “Unreserve”, the desired allocation is removed from PartAlloc table, but the ReservedQty in PartWhse table remains. The only way I found to sync the PartWhse is to run the “Refresh Part Quantities and Allocations” update report.

Looking at the traces of “Unreserve” Fulfillment Workbench action, I can’t find what is missing to update the PartWhse table.

Has anyone successfully called OrderAllocSvc.Unreserve(…) method with both PartAlloc and PartWhse updated?

Sharing with you my Fulfillment Library, which I call from the REST api.
OrderFulfillmentLib.efxb (266.6 KB)

There is a method called UnallocateAndUnreserve(), maybe you need that one instead?

I had a similar issue but I was calling the “Allocation” method. Ended up needing to add some lines to force processing of “deferred transactions”. Maybe the Reserve/Unreserve features need that too.

Wow, that did the trick! I had read this thread, but as I am doing Reserve/Unreserve and no allocations, never thought it would work.

I can’t thank you enough. Have a good day.

// To call after BO.Unreserve(...). It will magically sync PartWhse reserved quantities with PartAlloc.
using (var dbContext = Ice.Services.ContextFactory.CreateContext<ErpContext>())
  Erp.Internal.Lib.DeferredUpdate libDeferredUpdate = new Erp.Internal.Lib.DeferredUpdate(dbContext);
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