Get Image Via REST For SSRS

Hi all

Just wondering if anybody has used a REST call within SSRS to extract and display an image from the database?

My URL works outside of SSRS but doesn’t return anything from within SSRS

In the same report I can generate a QR code from the google api World&chs=240x240&choe=UTF-8&chld=L|2%27 alt=%27qr code%27

I’m wondering if authentication is the problem. If so how do I authenticate within the URL string I send to REST?

Any help would be appreciated.

I also have to do the same from a crystal report and am having similar issues.


Are you converting the base64 encoded image back into a png/jpg?

And have you assigned a MIME type on your Image?

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Thanks Mark. That has got me back on track with the Crystal side of things.