Headache from a Very Simple SQL Query


Scenario: I have been asked to obtain the latest UnitPrice for the PartNum of a given LaborDtl Transaction. LaborDtl does not have a PartNum, so I join it up to JobHead using .Company and .JobNum as the links.

First things first, lets get the LaborDtl records, narrowing it down to a specific day and employee for debugging purposes. I’ve already set up the JOIN for the JobHead table and grabbed the PartNum from it as well.

  LaborDtl.Company AS LaborDtl_Company, 
  LaborDtl.EmployeeNum AS LaborDtl_EmployeeNum, 
  LaborDtl.JobNum AS LaborDtl_JobNum, 
  JobHead.PartNum AS JobHead_PartNum 
  Erp.LaborDtl AS LaborDtl 
  INNER JOIN Erp.JobHead AS JobHead ON LaborDtl.Company = JobHead.Company 
  AND LaborDtl.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum 
    LaborDtl.ClockInDate = '01/03/2022' 
    AND LaborDtl.EmployeeNum = 'jamf'

Fairly straight forward so far. The query returns 4 rows of data:

Company EmpNum JobNum PartNum
SA JAMF 1842529 4567890
SA jamf 1842379-CP C123456
SA JAMF 1842379-CP C123456
SA JAMF 1842566 1357924

That data is accurate, so time to look into the InvcDtl table to get the most recent sale price:

  TOP (1) InvcDtl.Company AS InvcDtl_Company, 
  InvcDtl.UnitPrice AS InvcDtl_UnitPrice, 
  InvcDtl.PartNum AS InvcDtl_PartNum, 
  InvcDtl.ShipDate AS InvcDtl_ShipDate 
  Erp.InvcDtl AS InvcDtl 
  InvcDtl.PartNum = 'C123456' 
  InvcDtl.ShipDate DESC

That returns:

Company UnitPrice PartNum ShipDate
SA 3.61000 C123456 7/15/2022

Great! So far, so good! Time to combine them:

WITH ldQuery AS (
    LaborDtl.Company AS LaborDtl_Company, 
    LaborDtl.EmployeeNum AS LaborDtl_EmployeeNum, 
    LaborDtl.JobNum AS LaborDtl_JobNum, 
    JobHead.PartNum AS JobHead_PartNum 
    Erp.LaborDtl AS LaborDtl 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Erp.JobHead AS JobHead ON LaborDtl.Company = JobHead.Company 
    AND LaborDtl.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum 
      LaborDtl.ClockInDate = '01/03/2022' 
      AND LaborDtl.EmployeeNum = 'jamf'
idQuery AS (
    TOP (1) InvcDtl.Company AS InvcDtl_Company, 
    InvcDtl.UnitPrice AS InvcDtl_UnitPrice, 
    InvcDtl.PartNum AS InvcDtl_PartNum, 
    InvcDtl.ShipDate AS InvcDtl_ShipDate 
    Erp.InvcDtl AS InvcDtl 
    InvcDtl.ShipDate DESC
  INNER JOIN idQuery ON ldQuery.LaborDtl_Company = idQuery.InvcDtl_Company 
  AND ldQuery.JobHead_PartNum = idQuery.InvcDtl_PartNum

That returns a rather disappointing result of:

Company EmployeeNum JobNum PartNum Company UnitPrice PartNum ShipDate
SA JAMF 1842529 4567890 (null) (null) (null) (null)
SA jamf 1842379-CP C123456 (null) (null) (null) (null)
SA JAMF 1842379-CP C123456 (null) (null) (null) (null)
SA JAMF 1842566 1357924 (null) (null) (null) (null)

I tried other variations of the query, such as performing a join on the subquery itself:

LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT TOP (1) InvcDtl.Company.....

And I get the same results. Is there something very obvious that I am overlooking with this query? I’ve been staring at it all day, so my eyes are semi-glazed over at this point.

And I have tried this as a BAQ as well, with the same results.

@NateS this is a perfect query to use a CTE for.

@jhecker sorry for hijacking your question, I’m going to answer it, but I also want to add onto Nate’s post. I Still Don't Understand CTEs

So, this is what I would do.

Create your BAQ and make SubQuery1 a CTE. I would group on all the fields to get rid of any duplicate lines. You will end up with an in memory table of:

Company EmpNum JobNum PartNum
SA JAMF 1842529 4567890
SA JAMF 1842379-CP C123456
SA JAMF 1842566 1357924

Now add SubQuery2 to your BAQ as a CTE and you will have a second in memory table of:

Company UnitPrice PartNum ShipDate
SA 3.61000 C123456 7/15/2022

Now, create SubQuery3 as TopLevel and add both SubQuery1 and SubQuery2 as your tables in Phrase Build and join them. Select your Display Fields and you should return:

Company EmployeeNum JobNum PartNum Company UnitPrice PartNum ShipDate
SA JAMF 1842379-CP C123456 SA 3.61 C123456 7/15/2022


Great segway @jkane !

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@jkane - In my initial post, I did have it as a CTE, but I ran through it again from scratch, following your instructions to the “T”.

So, breaking it down:

  1. Step 1 - Create the CTE for LaborDtl as ldQuery, and also create the TopLevel Query
with [ldQuery] as 
	[LaborDtl].[EmployeeNum] as [LaborDtl_EmployeeNum],
	[LaborDtl].[JobNum] as [LaborDtl_JobNum],
	[JobHead].[PartNum] as [JobHead_PartNum],
	[LaborDtl].[ClockInDate] as [LaborDtl_ClockInDate]
from Erp.LaborDtl as LaborDtl
inner join Erp.JobHead as JobHead on 
	LaborDtl.Company = JobHead.Company
	and LaborDtl.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum)

	[ldQuery].[LaborDtl_ClockInDate] as [LaborDtl_ClockInDate],
	[ldQuery].[LaborDtl_EmployeeNum] as [LaborDtl_EmployeeNum],
	[ldQuery].[JobHead_PartNum] as [JobHead_PartNum],
	[ldQuery].[LaborDtl_JobNum] as [LaborDtl_JobNum]
from  ldQuery  as ldQuery
group by [ldQuery].[LaborDtl_ClockInDate],
  • I also created the TopLevel Query as well, grabbing everything from ldQuery.
  • I copied the query to SSMS and ran it, and it finishes in 13 seconds with 1.7 million results. When I run it in the BAQ Designer, it takes 52 seconds and returns 1.7 million results as well. Why it takes 4x longer as a BAQ is beyond me, but at least it returns data.
  1. Step 2 - Create the CTE for InvcDtl as idQuery
    I think that this is where something falls apart. I can create this query on its own in SSMS, and it works great. But, the moment I drop it into the BAQ as a CTE, it fails. This is the query on it’s own:
        [InvcDtl].[UnitPrice] AS [InvcDtl_UnitPrice],
        [InvcDtl].[PartNum]   AS [InvcDtl_PartNum],
        [InvcDtl].[ShipDate]  AS [InvcDtl_ShipDate]
        Erp.InvcDtl AS InvcDtl
        InvcDtl.PartNum = 'C373801'

        InvcDtl.ShipDate DESC
  • It works great, returns the single line of data as expected. But, when I drop it into the BAQ as a CTE, it is a no-go.
WITH [ldQuery]
               [LaborDtl].[EmployeeNum] AS [LaborDtl_EmployeeNum],
               [LaborDtl].[JobNum] AS [LaborDtl_JobNum],
               [JobHead].[PartNum] AS [JobHead_PartNum],
               [LaborDtl].[ClockInDate] AS [LaborDtl_ClockInDate]
               Erp.LaborDtl AS LaborDtl
           INNER JOIN
             Erp.JobHead AS JobHead
                 ON LaborDtl.Company = JobHead.Company
                 AND LaborDtl.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum
               (LaborDtl.ClockInDate = @Date)
       GROUP BY
               [InvcDtl].[UnitPrice] AS [InvcDtl_UnitPrice],
               [InvcDtl].[PartNum] AS [InvcDtl_PartNum],
               [InvcDtl].[ShipDate] AS [InvcDtl_ShipDate]
               Erp.InvcDtl AS InvcDtl
       ORDER BY
               InvcDtl.ShipDate DESC)
        [ldQuery].[LaborDtl_ClockInDate] AS [LaborDtl_ClockInDate],
        [ldQuery].[LaborDtl_EmployeeNum] AS [LaborDtl_EmployeeNum],
        [ldQuery].[JobHead_PartNum]      AS [JobHead_PartNum],
        [ldQuery].[LaborDtl_JobNum]      AS [LaborDtl_JobNum],
        [idQuery].[InvcDtl_PartNum]      AS [InvcDtl_PartNum],
        [idQuery].[InvcDtl_ShipDate]     AS [InvcDtl_ShipDate],
        [idQuery].[InvcDtl_UnitPrice]    AS [InvcDtl_UnitPrice]
        ldQuery AS ldQuery
      idQuery AS idQuery
        ON ldQuery.JobHead_PartNum = idQuery.InvcDtl_PartNum
  • That query returns 0 results. I’ve again tried different join types to no avail. I am getting so fed up with what should be a simple query. I have worked on this for hours a day, all week, and can’t seem to get it right.

I have attached the BAQ if anyone is interested in possibly pinpointing what exactly is wrong.

BAQ_Headache.baq (38.3 KB)

did you define the CTE query to be the first query that runs in the BAQ?

With this query:

select top (1)
[InvcDtl].[UnitPrice] as [InvcDtl_UnitPrice],
[InvcDtl].[PartNum] as [InvcDtl_PartNum],
[InvcDtl].[ShipDate] as [InvcDtl_ShipDate]

from Erp.InvcDtl as [InvcDtl]
order by InvcDtl.ShipDate Desc

you select exactly one single record from the whole table. It does not change regardless all other subqueries you added. I think it is not what you want, you want it to be 1 record per some other criterion.
You don’t need CTE, you need correlated subquery

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I was going to say the same thing as @Olga . I would have thought you’d want something like

   select unitprice, partnum and max(ship date) from invcdtl group by Partnum

in order to create a dataset that would match each of the partnums returned from the labordtl query. I’ve not worked out the SQL but I think this is what you may need.


Here see if this helps.
BAQ_Headache_2.baq (39.6 KB)

I took the subquery you had out of ldQuery. I also created a Parameter for Part Number.

@Olga - Using that exactly as it is (IE: what you created) works great. However, if I take out the Part parameter, it returns no results. The only parameters I will be passing (once completed) will be a start and end date, which is why I tried to remove Part from the equation.

I tried a different-ish approach on this as well:

with [id] as 
	[InvcDtl].[PartNum] as [InvcDtl_PartNum],
	[InvcDtl].[UnitPrice] as [InvcDtl_UnitPrice],
	[InvcDtl].[ShipDate] as [InvcDtl_ShipDate],
	(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY InvcDtl.PartNum ORDER BY InvcDtl.ShipDate DESC)) as [Calculated_rn]
from Erp.InvcDtl as InvcDtl
group by [InvcDtl].[PartNum],
 ,[ld] as 
	[LaborDtl].[Company] as [LaborDtl_Company],
	[LaborDtl].[EmployeeNum] as [LaborDtl_EmployeeNum],
	[LaborDtl].[ClockInDate] as [LaborDtl_ClockInDate],
	[LaborDtl].[JobNum] as [LaborDtl_JobNum],
	[JobHead].[PartNum] as [JobHead_PartNum]
from Erp.LaborDtl as LaborDtl
inner join Erp.JobHead as JobHead on 
	LaborDtl.Company = JobHead.Company
	and LaborDtl.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum
group by [LaborDtl].[Company],

	[ld].[JobHead_PartNum] as [JobHead_PartNum],
	[ld].[LaborDtl_ClockInDate] as [LaborDtl_ClockInDate],
	[ld].[LaborDtl_Company] as [LaborDtl_Company],
	[ld].[LaborDtl_EmployeeNum] as [LaborDtl_EmployeeNum],
	[ld].[LaborDtl_JobNum] as [LaborDtl_JobNum],
	[id].[Calculated_rn] as [Calculated_rn],
	[id].[InvcDtl_PartNum] as [InvcDtl_PartNum],
	[id].[InvcDtl_ShipDate] as [InvcDtl_ShipDate],
	[id].[InvcDtl_UnitPrice] as [InvcDtl_UnitPrice]
from  id  as id
inner join  ld  as ld on 
	id.InvcDtl_PartNum = ld.JobHead_PartNum
where (id.Calculated_rn = 1)
 and (ld.LaborDtl_ClockInDate = '01/03/2022')

This works perfectly from what I can tell. And when I run it in SSMS it takes less than 3 seconds.
As a BAQ, however, it takes almost 2 minutes :rage:

BAQ adds additional security rules on base of your query, as disclaimer on the 1st page suggests.

If you want to avoid them alltogether, use external BAQ.

For the query itself, I think that you are wasting resources by selecting amd grouping all records in the 2 tables here’:
[LaborDtl].[Company] as [LaborDtl_Company],
[LaborDtl].[EmployeeNum] as [LaborDtl_EmployeeNum],
[LaborDtl].[ClockInDate] as [LaborDtl_ClockInDate],
[LaborDtl].[JobNum] as [LaborDtl_JobNum],
[JobHead].[PartNum] as [JobHead_PartNum]
from Erp.LaborDtl as LaborDtl
inner join Erp.JobHead as JobHead on
LaborDtl.Company = JobHead.Company
and LaborDtl.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum
group by [LaborDtl].[Company],

and then just use only those where LaborDtl_ClockInDate = '01/03/2022
May be you add date parameter and use it in both subqqueries?