How to exclude options from the OrderHed.PayFlag dropdown?

I need to exclude/hide the “UPS Consignee” option in the OrderHed.PayFlag field dropdown list that appears on the Order Header > Header Manifest Info > Billing tab in the Billing Type field.

Anyone know how to achieve that?

I can’t find a maintenance screen or table that contains those values, so I assume they are a hard coded in the system. I’ve tried doing an EpiFilter on the field by entering PayFlag <> ‘UPS Consignee’ or PayFlag <> ‘UPSCON’ (both with single and double quotes), but that doesn’t seem to do anything.

@d_inman I just made a bpm to not allow them and called it good. Also need to stop as the default on the customer ship via and in Customer shipment entry.

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Thanks, @askulte …BPM route it is.