How to filter individual drop downs on a dashboard

I have a dashboard, looks like the following:

I want the drop down for Sales Categories to only include items starting with End User if the group is EU and only include items with Dealer if the group is OEMD. I tried using the same method I used for an Epiccombo, but I am not having any luck.

did you try screen modification as hinted on post # 8?

Sure, that works fine for an Epicombo, but its not working for the dashboard.

ahh… ok !! try valuelist ?

Not quite sure what you mean, can you give an example?

if you open the dashboard in the developer mode, review script editor. the grid could be bespoked using valuelist. you can pass more filter when grid cell even is fired.

I see how that lets you select values for the column, but how could I use that to show different values per row?

thought works…

  1. get hold of dashboard grid using GUID.

eug = ((Ice.Lib.Framework.UIApp.EpiGridPanel)(csm.PersonalizeCustomizeManager.ControlsHT[“your grid guid”])).EpiGrid;

  1. add event which fires when the cell gets attention such as cell click or aftercellactivate
    2.1) run a query with filters using BOReader or adapters or baq retrieve data and pass it to
    valuelist and assign the valuelist datasource for the cell.

But there is only a data-source for the whole column not each cell…Maybe you are on to something though.

ohh yeah…let me test something in my test sys.