How to update a newly added column to a dataview [grid] from BPM

I added a new column “PayMethodName” to an existing data view in AP Invoice Entry. The column can be seen on the Grid.

EpiDataView edv = (EpiDataView)oTrans.EpiDataViews["YourEpiDataView"];
    edv.dataView.Table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PayMethodName", typeof(string)));

The code was added in the form initialization not load segment.

When I run the form and perform a trace, the new data column is not listed as part of the target data view “APInvHedList”

How can I update the column from BPM if the traced dataset does not reference it?

Just curious if you have you already seen this topic?

Depending on what you are trying to accomplish…

I have seen this topic before. I decided not to replace the data view with BAQ data view because the existing data view is binded to the grid which has dependencies to other tab panels with other data views. It will result in unsynchronized vents and data among the other data views.

I abandoned the BPM approach. I plan to code the column update within the customization.