Is there a way to report license use?


We want to find out our license usage load, at any giving time. Say we are licensed for 70 users, how many are active say between 8 and 12, then 13 to 17 ? etc.

The goal is to find out if we can reduce our licensing numbers from 70 to say 50.

I want to find out if at any giving time, is 50 would have been sufficient enough to support all usage…I want to create a dashboard that would show per day, and say each 4 hours periods, the percentage of liscense used vs total licenses.

I have looked at a table called SysActivityLog. But found weird results as lots of logon tagged every 2 seconds…resulting in 180 logons for that user for that day…

So I am not sure how to get my info…what would be the best way?



If you are looking for a time range, why not create some formulas to group the times and then select the records with a First().

There is a trace flag you can add to your appserver.config that will trace session or licensing. See this thread Trace Flags

When I was on a version where that was not supported, I created a UBAQ that called the AdminSessionSvc to get the current license count. I used that query in an Executive Cube that ran on a schedule. Then you can query the cube data with a BAQ / Dashboard / EDD to do any kind of analysis you want.