Learning some Finance in Epicor - Cash Receipt VS Deposit Invoice VS Shipment Invoice (Advance Billing & Deposit)

Hi Epicor Community,

When it comes to Finance and Financial aspects of businesses, I am less than a novice. So I was wondering if you could help me understand the differences between Cash Receipts, Shipment Invoices, Deposit Invoices, and how to use them in calculations.

I have already read this topic and was very useful to get more confused (more than what I already am :smiley:) :

So I was hoping for some help here and also how to use CashHead, CashDtl, InvcHead, InvcDtl tables for any of financial operations within Epicor.

This is what I came up with but I do not know how columns interact with eachother:

select distinct InvcHead.invoicenum,InvcHead.invoicetype,InvcHead.invoicesuffix,GLJrnDtl.description, GLJrnDtl.jedate, GLJrnDtl.groupid, 
GLJrnDtl.postedby, GLJrnDtl.posted, GLJrnDtl.sourcemodule, GLJrnDtl.journalcode, GLJrnDtl.arinvoicenum, GLJrnDtl.BankAcctID, 
GLJrnDtl.glaccount, GLJrnDtl.segvalue3, GLJrnDtl.debitamount, GLJrnDtl.bookdebitamount, GLJrnDtl.CreditAmount, GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount,
cashhead.tranamt as CashHeadTranAmt,cashhead.trandate as CashHeadTranDate
from Erp.CashHead as CashHead
left outer join Erp.CashDtl as CashDtl on
CashHead.Company = CashDtl.Company
and CashHead.GroupID = CashDtl.GroupID
and CashHead.HeadNum = CashDtl.HeadNum
left outer join Erp.InvcHead as InvcHead on
CashDtl.Company = InvcHead.Company
and CashDtl.InvoiceNum = InvcHead.InvoiceNum
left outer join ERP.OrderHed
on InvcHead.Company = OrderHed.Company and
  InvcHead.OrderNum = OrderHed.OrderNum
  left outer join [CEL_Prod].[Erp].[GLJrnDtl]
  on GLJrnDtl.Company = InvcHead.Company and
  GLJrnDtl.ARInvoiceNum = InvcHead.InvoiceNum
   order by InvcHead.invoicenum

Many thanks in advance

Wondering what your goal is? Make a query, learn how to use the financial modules, both?

If just queries, tables & relationships, then one of these might help?

If learning the financial modules… that might be a project.
Do you have access to the course guides?
Those are what I used when I was starting out with the financial “stuff”.
Even though I am NOT an accountant, doing the practice lessons in a test/educational database was enough to got the basics down to the point I could do all my own entries - after that queries/results started making more sense.

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Hi @bordway ,

I am mainly interested in recreating the Advance Billing & Deposit report in BAQ

Have you tried contacting Epicor support and asking if they have any documentation on this report? I know support used to maintain pretty detailed documentation on some other reports but… they were not listed on EpicWeb - I had to call in and get support to help find/forward.
Last time I asked for report documentation was several years ago though… so not sure what support maintains on their reports these days?