Load default custom App.ClockIn.ShiftSelect

I am trying to do a simple customization to set the txtShift text box read-only for the Shift Select form that pops up after a user does a clock-in. I have created the customization and saved it. It is loading properly when I’m using developer mode, but I can’t find a way to get it as the default customization. I cannot find this form anywhere. I have looked in Menu Maintenance and Process Maintenance, but so far no luck in being able to change the default customization that is loaded. Any ideas?

You need to name the shift customization the same as the MES customization. For example, if your MES customization is called MES_123, then the customization name for the shift needs to be MES_123.

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My MES customization is named MESCust and is the default loaded. So, if I understand you correctly, I should name the Customization of the App.Clockin.ShiftSelect as MESCust.
I did this and it does not seem to be loading my customization, either through the regular user clock-in or the MES clock-in. I created a Shift Select form customization as MESCust for both and neither loaded. Any other ideas?
This is Epicor 9.05.702.

Yes, you understood me correctly. I thought that would do it. I would call Epicor Support now.