OrderAllocImpl DLL - AutoAllocation (object reference error occur )

Hi All.
We are using OrderAllocImpl dll to update the order qty in the order picking process .in this process we are trying following dll methods in series.
1.GetListOfOrders - To fill orderAllocListDataSet dataset for ordrNum
2.OrderAllocationGetRows - To fill orderAllocDataSet dataset for ordrNum by passing orderAllocListDataSet as input parameter
3.CheckDate -
6.AutoAllocation -

while calling AutoAllocation method ,we are getting “object reference error” .please see following example code below:
orderAllocImplBO.AutoAllocation(orderAllocDataSet_ds, cIPWhseList, cWhseType, out cMessageText, out lReleased);

please see attached screenshot of code and orderAllocDataSet dataset as well.

Any suggestions?

after GetListOfOrders , run below code

   foreach (var row in orderAllocDataSet_ds.OrderAllocList)
        row.RowMod = IceRow.ROWSTATE_UNCHANGED;

credit to bart OrderAllocListTable to OrderAllocTableset

Thanks for quick reply but getting same error after applying above code.further help will be appriciated.

Hello Everyone. My team is stuck on the following method

orderAllocImplBO.AutoAllocation(orderAllocDataSet_ds, cIPWhseList, cWhseType, out cMessageText, out lReleased);

It is giving object creation error when I try to call it, as I shared earlier. The method is using the same dataset “orderAllocDataSet” which works well on the earlier called method as below.

orderAllocImplBO.OneDemandType(orderAllocDataSet_ds, out o_ErrorText, out o_DemandType);

Help will be appreciated.