Out Parameter :|: Calling BO Method :| BMP

I would like to know how I can pass the OUT parameters when I call a method. i.e.
if I 'm about to call the MasterUpdate method as follow:
SalesOrderSvc1.ChangeMake(false, ref SOds);
SalesOrderSvc1.MasterUpdate(true, true, “OrderHed”, inCustNum,inOrderNumber, true, false out , out “” , out “” , out “” , out “” , out “” , out “”, ref SOds);

void MasterUpdate( bool lCheckForOrderChangedMsg , bool lcheckForResponse , string cTableName , int iCustNum , int iOrderNum , bool lweLicensed , out bool lContinue , out string cResponseMsg , out string cCreditShipAction , out string cDisplayMsg , out string cCompliantMsg , out string cResponseMsgOrdRel , out string cAgingMessage , ref SalesOrderTableset ds )

I get an error on the out parameters and if I don’t type I get an error saying that I need “out”. Please help…

You need to declare a variable before calling the method. Then “out” the variable.

var stuff;
var moreStuff;
CalledMethod(param1, param2, out stuff, out moreStuff);

You need to provide a variable for the function to assign the out value to. You must provide vars (of the proper type) for out parameter.

Maybe this will help.

Also, in the future …

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