Pass a dataview to a function for further processing

If you are trying to delete, many times if this is from a set of data the enumeration will get messed up when deleting front to back instead of back to front.

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RE: how can we send data or rows or selected row from a custom panel card grid to the function??

Know this an old thread , but helpful info for those looking to do this, found a way to send Selected Grid Row Field data to function with the following:

  • Use the Copy View instructions posted under write up titled “How To: Kinetic - Working with Grid Selectors”, in the associated ce_ADDRow iterate event, after the row-add component, added a ERP-Function component which passed the current CopyView row field to my function as a method parameter. It’s the little things … Cheers

Using ERP-FUNCTION in the Kinetic client, I was able to pass a dataset (view) from the Kinetic client to a function. In the ERP-FUNCTION, set the Method Parameter ‘Field Data Type’ to dataset, and set ‘Dataset Id’ to the view name, such as UD25View. In the server side function, set the Request Parameter type to System.Data.DataSet. It works.