Person/Contact DMT w/ CrtEmpLnk = True

I am attempting to identify a method where I can use DMT to add new User, Person/Contact, Employee, and Buyer profiles. On the Person/Contact DMT table, there is a boolean field titled CrtEmpLnk. My thought was that if I marked that field = True, then it would auto-create an Employee profile and link that profile to the PerCon profile. However, it does not perform that action, nor does it retain the value as True after PerCon profile creation.

I then thought about crafting a BPM to find the PerCon profiles where that checkbox = True, but the PerCon table does not include that field. It seems as though this field is only useful when manually creating a new PerCon record, where you immediately select Actions>Create Selected Links. I even manually created a new PerCon profile, selected the checkbox, saved, and exited. I came back and the box was cleared so it does not hold the value.

Am I overlooking something?

I can think of 2 options -

  1. You can use DMT to add new users/employees/Buyers. Epicor should automatically create the person/contact as needed (I don’t think a User triggers per/con creation).
  2. You can load in the Per/Con list with DMT. Then create additional spreadsheets for users/emps/buyers, with the perconIDs matching what is in Epicor. And run DMT on those.

DMT does the same things that you do normally when adding / updating / deleting records. When you create an employee, epicor automatically creates a person/contact record linked to the employee. But when you create a person/contact, Epicor does not auto-create an employee. There is a Link button on the Person/Contact menu, but DMT doesn’t do that.

I actually discontinued our DMT license, prefer to use BPMs to do mass updates. Which are few and far between now. And I didn’t want DMT as part of anyone’s workflow… too messy/risky.

Thanks for the reply. I tested the Employee first approach and while it works, it would need a second DMT since the PerConID isn’t customizable or known at the time of DMT. This may be the method I take, but I was hoping to reduce the number of interactions I had.

For the BPM approach, were you using that in conjunction with an updatable dashboard?

For the BPM approach, were you using that in conjunction with an updatable dashboard?

No I just put all the data into a BPM custom code block and execute it once.

Interesting… thank you!

Or Functions (BPMs on steroids) will work, and can integrate with outside systems nicely. And both BPMs and Functions have more flexible error handling than DMT.

The reason I use BPMs instead of functions is they are way easier to debug. Getting error messages / info out of functions is pretty cumbersome. Unless I’m missing something…

I actually have a function that triggers a bpm! :man_facepalming: Just had to debug it today…

Do you mean remote debugging (from the client) using popup windows? If so, then yes, server-side debugging is more challenging using that method.

What if you could view a live log screen, like we would like to have in the DevOps Idea or external logging requested on this forum in 2018?

Yes something like that would help. Would need to be built in… I’m not looking to bolt on any more 3rd party/custom gak than I have to! FWIW you can see Function exception error messages in the system monitor. So I was using Throw Exception to debug.

I took your hint and voted. And for your other debugging idea :slight_smile: