Quote Entry, how to access calculated fields values for a BAQ


I was asked to provide a dashboard with the Quote detail information including cost information. This cost information comes from the following calculated fields within the form.

I tried within my BAQ to calculate the values but I never arrived to the values within the form. What would be the valid fields part of those calculations for each of the costs shown ?

Another way would be the capture of the calculated field into a UD field. I am not sure the best time to transfer the data… (when is it calculated…) ?

If so fine, but then how do I capture data from existing quotes ? I would need to visit each quote lines ?

That is why I thought the BAQ calculation way would be better… but there is the issue of values not corresponding…

Anyone have successfully arrived to a valid solution about similar issue?

Thank you


This seems related? Quote Worksheet Fields

I just did a query like you were describing.

  1. Create CTE subquery with QuoteMtl -
  2. Create UnionAll subgreary with QuoteOpr
  3. Create Top query pulling in first subquery and add some calculated agregate sums of the ext cost.
    I used advanced Grouping to do this grouping at the line, assembly and details.

I added this query to a dashboard three times with different aliases to setup a waterfall of publish and subscribe to help review the different levels of the quote method.

QuoteReview.baq (14.2 KB)