QuoteAsmSearchAdapter "GetList is not supported"

I created a button on a dashboard “btnQuoteSeach” that when you click should allow you to search for a quote/asm (similar to the one used by engineering workbench → get details → Quote). Problem is when I click the “Seach” I get the error: “GetList is not supported”

This is the code I am using. I cannot figure out why the GetList isn’t working. I see Erp.Adapters.QuoteAsmSearch does have a “GetList” method. Why would I be getting a “GetList” error.

private void btnQuoteSearch_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
        bool recSelected;
        string whereClause = "(AssemblySeq = 0 AND Template = 1 BY PartNum) AND PartNum >= 'TEST'";
        System.Data.DataSet dsQuoteAsmAdapter = Ice.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(this.oTrans, "QuoteAsmSearchAdapter", out recSelected, true, whereClause);
        if (recSelected)
          System.Data.DataRow adapterRow = dsQuoteAsmAdapter.Tables[0].Rows[0];

          //map search fields to application fields
          EpiDataView edvQuoteAsm = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["V__ENG_GETDTL_1View"]));
          System.Data.DataRow edvQuoteAsmRow = edvQuoteAsm.CurrentDataRow;
          if((edvQuoteAsmRow != null))
            edvQuoteAsmRow["numCalculated_cFromQuoteNum"] = adapterRow["QuoteNum"];
            edvQuoteAsmRow["numCalculated_cFromQuoteLine"] = adapterRow["QuoteLine"];

QuoteAsmSearchAdapter has a GetRows, not a GetList

public QuoteAsmSearchDataSet GetRows(string whereClauseQuoteAsmSearch, int pageSize, int absolutePage, out bool morePages)

No GetList in the dll

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I added:

using Ice.Proxy.Lib; //BO Reader
using Ice.Core;
using Erp.BO;
using Ice.BO;

public class Script

    BOReaderImpl _bor;

	public void InitializeCustomCode()

        _bor = WCFServiceSupport.CreateImpl<Ice.Proxy.Lib.BOReaderImpl>((Ice.Core.Session)oTrans.Session, Ice.Contracts.BOReaderSvcContract.UriPath);


But I am getting the error now:
‘Ice.Contracts.BOReaderSvcContract’ does not contain a definition for ‘UriPath’

I still want the QuoteAsmSearchAdapter to open up and allow me to select the quotenum/line and return back to the dashboard.

I just changed my code to use the QuoteDtlSearchAdapter - and that one will work. The QuoteAsmSearchAdapter is being used from Engineering Workbench → Get Details … so not sure why it works from there, but I can’t see the code Epicor is using to call the QuoteAsmSearchAdapter.

Thank you klincecum for your thoughts and help.

Here is how Epicor does your first question on the engineering workbench.



using Erp.UI.Searches;
using Erp.Adapters;

	private void epiButtonC1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
		QuoteAsmSearchAdapter quoteAsmAdapter = new QuoteAsmSearchAdapter(this.oTrans);

		string text = "AssemblySeq = 0";
		text += " AND Template = 1 BY PartNum";
		SearchOptions searchOptions = new SearchOptions(SearchMode.ShowDialog);
		searchOptions.PrimaryTableName = "QuoteAsmSearch";
		searchOptions.PreLoadSearchFilter = text;
		searchOptions.DataSetMode = DataSetMode.RowsDataSet;
		searchOptions.SelectMode = SelectMode.SingleSelect;
		QuoteAsmSearchForm quoteAsmSearchForm = new QuoteAsmSearchForm();
		quoteAsmSearchForm.BasicPanelWhoCalled = "Erp.UI.GetDetailsEntry";
		quoteAsmAdapter.SearchForm = quoteAsmSearchForm;
		//quoteAsmSearchForm.StartWithText = "";
		if (quoteAsmAdapter.QuoteAsmSearchData.QuoteAsmSearch.Rows.Count > 0)
		    string quoteLine = quoteAsmAdapter.QuoteAsmSearchData.QuoteAsmSearch.Rows[0]["QuoteLine"].ToString();
		    string quoteAssemblySeq = quoteAsmAdapter.QuoteAsmSearchData.QuoteAsmSearch.Rows[0]["AssemblySeq"].ToString();
		    string quoteNum = quoteAsmAdapter.QuoteAsmSearchData.QuoteAsmSearch.Rows[0]["QuoteNum"].ToString();

Thanks, going to try it tomorrow.
Is there a decompiler/tool that you use to see the Epicor logic behind the Eng WrkBench → Get Details → Quote button?

I turned on customization mode so I could see what form it was calling, and traced from there.

I used DNSpy, but I don’t recommend it as it’s no longer in development, and there were
some hacks not long ago that put out bad downloads of it.

I don’t know what the best is now. @josecgomez ?

RedGate Reflector is “legit” and Professionally Maintained
Dot Peak is “free” (as in beer) and pretty good dotPeek: Free .NET Decompiler & Assembly Browser by JetBrains

I still like DNSpy (the revival) I even contributed to it a few months back to fix a Bug that prevented Debugging in IIS :slight_smile:

1 Like

yep, I see you…

Introduce a workaround for a .NET 6.0 bug that occurred when a debugger was attached to a process that utilized dynamic modules. (by @josegomez)

LMAO how’d you find that so fast I couldn’t even find it haha

1, I have extremely good pattern matching skills.
I look at a page, and I see patterns, kind of like those freaks with photographic
memories, except I don’t retain it, nor read it that fast.

2, I went to the download page, and I’m on here so much, when I scrolled down
an immediate pattern stood out … @josegomez :rofl:

Thank you - I found what you were referring to with DNSpy