REST uBaq to UD Table or Direct requests which is faster

Doing some work on Adding/Updating rows into a UD table via REST. I’m wanting to ask people opinion on to go via the UD service methods or use the uBaq service. I don’t need to pass in all the data for the request just about 10 columns.

I really wanted to know peoples opinion on speed, and any Pros and Cons to each method.

Essentially it is upload of scanned stock take data that needs have a manual eye cast over it before proceeding to update count tag records. Based on our previous stock take each upload had an average of 1000 rows.

My guess is the UDSvc will be faster.

The speed performance will be marginally faster if you use the UD service directly.


I’m getting a bit over my head here…, is it possible to pass in JSON array of the data to the ubaq? I keep getting a “This is a duplicate entry of an existing record”

I think I might have answered my own question here.


When you get to 10.2.500+, you can pass a JSON string to an Epicor Function REST call and do all the work at the server. :wink:


Ok so in the mean time, I’m going to be stuck in stocktake hell. Darn. Or at least it is going to take a bit of time to import the data. RBAR style :slight_smile: