Restore previous BAQ from back-up


Is there an easy way to restore or recover a BAQ that was overwritten? I did not export the Original BAQ before overwriting it. It was overwritten yesterday. I don’t want to restore from backup to Live. But if needed, I can possibly restore DB to Pilot, as of two days ago. (And export it from there)Any thoughts?

Not that I’m aware of. I’m sure it’s stored in a table so you theoretically could pull it out. And do an update in PROD. That’s way to risky IMO. We all know what Epicor says about direct dB interaction. :upside_down_face:

I’d restore the backup of PROD to a test instance. Login to the test instance and pull out the BAQ. Then just import the BAQ into PROD.


Thanks, that is what i will do. I did the test in test, but i did not export the current version that was in live before importing the updated version in live. It appears there were a Bunch of changes done in Live that i was not aware of. ( I typically export the file out before updating or making changes) However this time I didn’t.

Thanks for your reply Chadd.
That is what I did. I restored the latest copy of our full backup to Pilot grabbed the file, then reverted Pilot back to it original state. We use Pilot for a second Sandbox (behind Test).
Thanks again

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Glad it worked! Always happy to help other Epicor users!

Don’t forget to add your vote for Source Control. Storing all data in the database is a great idea. Storing code…well, you know. :wink:

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I Added my vote long ago

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