SHOPIFY interface

Was involved in a conversation regarding SHOPIFY and options to interface to E-10.
I realize Service Connect and other options exist… wonder IF folks here can provide FEEDBACK and Insight (no pun intended… well, yes it was intended)

So I was asked by my employer to do something similar, but with a Wordpress site. I posted a link on here on my journey as you will probably have to do something similar. Interfacing is definitely possible though!

I can maybe assist if you need. My email is in the post I linked. Good luck!

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I am really curious about options to allow customers to configure & buy product through a web store.

@mathis1337 I wonder about your method, how did you make sure it was secure? I would be nervous writing anything that handled CC info by myself.

So CC information is actually captured on a localized server that is encrypted. Also we NEVER pass information over the net, so there are no packets ever containing CC information accept on the initial send which is HTTPS encrypted, so they can’t see anything. AFter that everything is handed off to a local server that has no connection to internet just INTRAnet. I took many steps to make sure information was safe. We also use ESDM for encrypted storage of credit cards.

That hardest part was reverse engineering Epicors credit card entry screen as that is a block box that you can’t trace. So that was tough, but once we had that rest was really really easy.

Also the program that handles this is on another server where credit cards ARE NOT stored. And the front facing sites are on a DMZ that is disconnected for all LAN objects.

I will say this. This requires A LOT of programming knowledge, which is why I was asked to do this as programming is my main skillset, but it took probably 4 weeks to get this all working correctly.

Too bad it sounds impossible to do on a Multi-tenant setup :frowning:

Nah I actually wrote most of this in .Net and other services. So multi-tenant would be possible! As long as you use something where your shop can pass them to a checkout URL, which most sites allow, you can use my methods.


Does the Epicor Commerce Connect (ECC) module work for Multi-tenant setups? Our website is interfaced with Epicor using ECC.

We scrapped using ECC, it did not serve our needs well. So I am not sure. All I know is what I wrote works with Multi-tenant setups.

You say you know it works with Mult-tenant setups, does that mean you know of people on multi-tenant setups using this method?

It means we have a multi-tenant setup and it is working with us. So that is how i know what I created works. What I meant was I can’t speak to ECC as we don’t use it.