Supplier tracker : Where are the data for YTD and LastYear Totals

Hello All,

Under the Supplier tracker, under Links/Invoices/Aging There is a section on bottom for YTD and Last Year Totals for purchased values.
Where are those values getting calculated from? (it is not a DB field… )

I have been tasked with creating a DB showing all purchases and when the user would select a line, there would be a another table showing yearly total purchases from the last 5 years for that supplier.

Well my totals do not correspond to the totals shown by Epicor under the aging

I get my data via the RcvHead and RcvDetail where i sum the ( Unit cost * Qty received).

Then I looked into the APInvHed table. Where I found the data about what we paid and sum the values there, and even then, I cannot arrive to the total showed into the aging. I tried any combination of values to arrive to the aging amount…with no success…

So my question is:
Can someone provide me how this value is getting calculated? For the YTD totals and Last Year Totals ? The end goal would be to show the same value in my DB so the VP finance no longer question my DB results !!! :wink:



Hi @Hogardy,
the easiest way -in my opinion- to capture epicor calculated values is this,

You may need to invoke this method for all of your suppliers -once- to update your History