Trying a mock cutover this weekend and receiving this error

The requested service 'net.tcp://mberptest/MBTEST/Erp/BO/APInvoiveLoad.svc could not be activated. See the server’s diagnostic trace logs for more information.

I’m in the middle of doing some DMT Loads and this is stopping me from copy/pasting information into the AP (and AR open invoice loads.

I tried restarting the task agent - no change.

What can I do WITHOUT having to stop and cancel my DMT Load?

it’s about halfway through.

Please help!!!
Thank you
Jeff Henslee
M-B Companies Inc.

i often see that issue crop up when the server is low on memory… try freeing up some ram by shutting down other unrelated processes?

Windows Event Log Content?


Thanks Rob. I’ll check around to see if there is anything I can free up.

Right now (mostly) it’s just me on the server running the DMT - no one else. - just an FYI

Are you able to manually add an invoice using AP Open Invoice Load?


I did wind up stopping and starting the task agent and it eventually fixed itself. I’d be in agreement to it being some sort of resource “thing”.

I got through this part. Thanks to all who responded.