Um, is this a new code editor glitch?

Was just editing code…dunno how this happened. Is this a feature??

Hahaha that has been there for ever… It’s fun ain’t it?
To solve it turn the monitor up 279 degrees and it will flip.

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Or hit Ctrl Shift but I prefer to flip my monitor]


hahaha good to know! Who even put this in!?

I bet @Rich specifically asked for this feature lol

Hehe JK I’m guessing it came with that editor to support right to left languages

Yep - the ICE UI Editor employs a general purpose editor control and there are a number of “interesting” features. I asked for “Auto Complete” but that took too much effort so we gave you right-to-left…

The right-to-left feature (along with several others) has a Friday afternoon bias - we wanted to give you a reason to start early with the adult beverages.


Employ some kind of easy visual studio integration or IDE tools within the editor like auto complete /intellisense…you guys get 3 rounds of tequila shots on me at insights :wink:

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For those handy with TypeScript, there’s sample code for an alternate repository (save in memory) for VS Code. How difficult would it be to treat an E10 instance like a drive? You text in “chunks”, display them with all the love and care you get with VS Code, then save it back (as chunks). Would have to set up a connection that would give you the client side dlls, etc. Might be doable. And with more web stuff coming, it might not be a bad tool. VS is great but VS Code is not bad. Not bad at all.


Hmmm :thinking: And you get source control for free.

That sounds pretty cool,

But for now, I just use the assemblies out of the client folder in a special project template in VS 2017 to get my Intelisense on. Then copy the code from VS into the Epicor code editor and compile there. I’m very picky about indenting which is also why I do it this way.

Oh and I disabled this annoying keyboard shortcut in Epicor via my Corsair Keyboard Gaming Software mwahahaha…it’s late now onto StarCraft :slight_smile: