What type of third party certificates?

So we’re looking into a 3rd party SSL certificate for our Rest API to connect to other apps. We’re looking at companies like Comodo, Symantec, maybe Let’s Encrypt and I know very little about them. I’ve created self signed certs but never devled into paied certs.
Most of the companies offered 3 types of certificates, Domain Validation, Organization Validation and Extended Validation. But they really don’t give good enough descriptions to help us decide what we need for our Rest API.
Does anyone else have experience with 3rd party paid certs?

Several users here swear by http://certifytheweb.com. Not only does it procure your certs, it installs them onto the server and, more importantly, keeps them up to date.


It’s the BEST! (and Free… as in beer :beer:) the certificates not the tool

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But you still use Let’s encrypt with it?

Yeah its a tool that does the ACME protocol you can also use other providers (not let’s encrypt) it just does the renewing and installing in IIS its a nice tool for Windows / IIS management.

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REST will work with any it it, so domain valiation is enough

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Ok, we’ve all played “free” games on our phone. How is it free? Does it sell your info, popup ads, malware? I’d be great with Let’s Encript and CertifyTheWeb but I’d get crucified if I loaded something invasive onto our server just to save a few bucks. No offense, just being protective of our environment.

CertifyTheWeb is not free but Let’s Encrypt certificates are. See the pricing on their site. It’s not like mobile gaming.

If you want to pay about $1 USD/Month, you can use Azure Arc to do the same but the set up is on you. I did a posting on it last year.

Thank you. I will look into this more.