I updated my appserver to use Windows binding to get single sign-on working in 10.2.200. Now, when I open the client it automatically uses the Active Home Page, but before it will login I get an “authentication required” pop up. It says a username and password is required to access the application server. I key in my Epicor username and password. All is well, but with single sign on I would think this login should not come up. Am I missing something in the REST services configuration. Anyone have any ideas?
I just updated this setting to Automatic logon with current user name and password. It was set to Automatic logon only in Intranet zone. Closed IE and closed Epicor client. Open Epicor Client and the same authentication pop up occurred. I assume this is a local client setting. Going to try a reboot and see what happens.
@Bart_Elia a reboot did not solve the issue either. I am set to the same option in your screen print and still getting this pop up as I log in.
I literally just went through this nonsense and spent hours on it.
1.) make sure you have a recent IE browser (at least 10, I think you actually need 11)
2.) Add your website to the “Trusted Zones” and make sure it “sticks”
3) Also your SSL certificate has to support SAN (Subject Alternative Name)
I found testing with Google Chrome is more forgiving, but Active Home Page only uses IE.
When you say add my website. What are you referring too? The URL for the appserver?
Also, how do you check the SSL certificate has SAN capability. It is a self signed certificate on the application server that i generated when adding the Epicor Application Server into the Admin Console.
Finally, what if I do not want to use Active Home Page? How do I turn it off?
just before finishing my day, i will respond to you tomorrow, i do have this working !
I can give you a lot of good info later, but for now you can turn off active homepage by using the switch “\Classic” or"\mainmenu" in the Properties of your Epicor client shortcut. Put it at the end and it will take you into the normal desktop layout.
you can disable the active homepage in your sysconfig file : by commenting out the row
, In my case chrome was complaining more about certificates, and the chrome test was better then the internet explorer test. Active Homepage or epicor EDD are using some same components as chrome.
the URL within the HomePageUrl should be accessible without logging in.
i did enter the URL within the Local Intranet zone, as by Default Internet Explorer does login automatically then, (no other adjustments required)
With every (bi-weekly) update the Homepage URL is added again
I am still confused here. I am using the primary executable and I believe it is defaulting to IE settings, but that additional authentication screen is still coming up. I am going to open a support case on this issue.
Hello everyone I got this problem solved. There was two areas that did not auto set in the installation. I am not sure if the installation build up of the Application server should do this or not, but here is what I had to do to fix this error.
In IIS I had to verify Windows Authentication was enabled for the web site being used. It was set to “disabled”. Once I enabled this this it worked fine for logging into the system with single sign-on.
Secondly, once the certificate is created in the admin console. You need to ensure it is correctly loaded into the Trusted locations. Once this is done the application server build out can successfully load it into the database. This will also allow the REST services page to come up properly on the server. Once this cert is loaded on the client then the REST services help page will come up without error there too.
Thanks for the comments! I hope this helps someone as well.
Hi Josh,
do you have any issues with a username password pop-up now and then, when working with the active homepage and single sign on?
@jeowings This is one of those ones that you need to mark as solved. I am sure I am going to need this one down the track.
How do I change it to solved?
So far I have not received the login pop up but I have limit activity since I am not live on the upgrade yet.
Here’s the information you need. Feel free to share
I think I did this correctly now. Let me know if I did not.