After several weeks of tweaking I finally got my Crystal Web component
working. Now it works great I would be lost without it so I would be glad
to help you as much as I can.
Let me start by saying I am running crystal v.7 web component on an NT4
Server running IIS4. Some of what I tell you might not be relevant to your
situation but It might spurs some ideas of your own.
Problem 1. Since I am no NT expert by no means this might not be the case.
We had to set up WINS to point to my intranet website. Until we did that
the only way to access was with the IP address.
Problem 2. This is the tricky one. The looping logon can come from several
different reasons. You must have data saved with you report for it to come
in the first time. When you refresh then the report is trying to access the
ODBC drivers and causes the error. Couple things to check first.
DSN - has to be a System DSN
Crystal page server needs to be run as a process rather than a service.
(this correction was the one that finally worked. I don't know if that was
because it was the last one I did or if it was the one that worked)
The path to your report should be though virtual directories instead of the
logical path. I think this corrected a different error.
And lastly, we had to set up the Anonymous user the IIS was looking for.
IUSR_machinename with full rights. And if anyone reading this knows why we
had to do that I would really like to know.
Feel free to call me if you want to discuss anything further
Rhonda Reilly
working. Now it works great I would be lost without it so I would be glad
to help you as much as I can.
Let me start by saying I am running crystal v.7 web component on an NT4
Server running IIS4. Some of what I tell you might not be relevant to your
situation but It might spurs some ideas of your own.
Problem 1. Since I am no NT expert by no means this might not be the case.
We had to set up WINS to point to my intranet website. Until we did that
the only way to access was with the IP address.
Problem 2. This is the tricky one. The looping logon can come from several
different reasons. You must have data saved with you report for it to come
in the first time. When you refresh then the report is trying to access the
ODBC drivers and causes the error. Couple things to check first.
DSN - has to be a System DSN
Crystal page server needs to be run as a process rather than a service.
(this correction was the one that finally worked. I don't know if that was
because it was the last one I did or if it was the one that worked)
The path to your report should be though virtual directories instead of the
logical path. I think this corrected a different error.
And lastly, we had to set up the Anonymous user the IIS was looking for.
IUSR_machinename with full rights. And if anyone reading this knows why we
had to do that I would really like to know.
Feel free to call me if you want to discuss anything further
Rhonda Reilly