2 problems with Crystal Web Component Server

After several weeks of tweaking I finally got my Crystal Web component
working. Now it works great I would be lost without it so I would be glad
to help you as much as I can.

Let me start by saying I am running crystal v.7 web component on an NT4
Server running IIS4. Some of what I tell you might not be relevant to your
situation but It might spurs some ideas of your own.

Problem 1. Since I am no NT expert by no means this might not be the case.
We had to set up WINS to point to my intranet website. Until we did that
the only way to access was with the IP address.

Problem 2. This is the tricky one. The looping logon can come from several
different reasons. You must have data saved with you report for it to come
in the first time. When you refresh then the report is trying to access the
ODBC drivers and causes the error. Couple things to check first.

DSN - has to be a System DSN

Crystal page server needs to be run as a process rather than a service.
(this correction was the one that finally worked. I don't know if that was
because it was the last one I did or if it was the one that worked)

The path to your report should be though virtual directories instead of the
logical path. I think this corrected a different error.

And lastly, we had to set up the Anonymous user the IIS was looking for.
IUSR_machinename with full rights. And if anyone reading this knows why we
had to do that I would really like to know.

Feel free to call me if you want to discuss anything further

Rhonda Reilly
I wonder if somebody who is already running the Crystal Web Component Server
can help me out with it.

I have loaded the WCS on my NT4 Workstation and intend hosting our intranet
there (at least for the time being). It is running on Microsoft Peer Web
Services, using IIS2.

The 2 problems are as follows:

1 - I can access my reports from my machine, but when browsing for
http://aw01/ from another machine on the network, I'm asked for a password.
This I figure is a basic NT4 Workstation characteristic rather than anything
to do with WCS, but I'm new to NT4 workstation, so could anyone help me out
here? This also happens when trying to share printers on my NT4 machine!
I've tried entering the passwords for all the user profiles on the machine
but to no avail.

2 - When accessing my Crystal Reports on this machine, I see them no
problem - but when trying to refresh, i.e. connect to the db, I am asked for
a user id & password. ODBC is set-up for anonymous log-on, WCS is set up
for anonymous log-on, and I've tried using our network log-ons and vantage
log-ons but none of these work.

So I'm obviously missing something about how WCS is set up, so if anyone can
point me in the right direction, that'd be great.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Anton Wilson,
Systems Analyst,
Deanestor Healthcare
In setting up CWS on the Vantage server, I ran into the infinite looping problem with the ODBC login. The workaround that crystal gave me was to stop the CWS service, and run it as a DOS command, which means it will remain on the taskbar and need to be started again if the computer is rebooted (although a batch file can do this). I don't have the exact command in front of me, but Crystal Tech support could fill you in.

There was someone who had it working fine as a service, Ted Kitch, and this is what he wrote back on 11/17:

I've got it running fine as a service. There could be some permissions that
would have to be set for certain files. Version 7 had some issues with NT
permissions when running as a service. Look for any files on the Seagate KB
that have infinite logon. There are plently of pointers there. -Ted Kitch

Hope this helps. I'm planning on trying this on a workstation as well, so I would love to hear follow up on your situation.


----- Original Message -----
From: it@...
To: vantage@egroups.com
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 3:14 AM
Subject: [Vantage] 2 problems with Crystal Web Component Server

I wonder if somebody who is already running the Crystal Web Component Server
can help me out with it.

I have loaded the WCS on my NT4 Workstation and intend hosting our intranet
there (at least for the time being). It is running on Microsoft Peer Web
Services, using IIS2.

The 2 problems are as follows:

1 - I can access my reports from my machine, but when browsing for
http://aw01/ from another machine on the network, I'm asked for a password.
This I figure is a basic NT4 Workstation characteristic rather than anything
to do with WCS, but I'm new to NT4 workstation, so could anyone help me out
here? This also happens when trying to share printers on my NT4 machine!
I've tried entering the passwords for all the user profiles on the machine
but to no avail.

2 - When accessing my Crystal Reports on this machine, I see them no
problem - but when trying to refresh, i.e. connect to the db, I am asked for
a user id & password. ODBC is set-up for anonymous log-on, WCS is set up
for anonymous log-on, and I've tried using our network log-ons and vantage
log-ons but none of these work.

So I'm obviously missing something about how WCS is set up, so if anyone can
point me in the right direction, that'd be great.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Anton Wilson,
Systems Analyst,
Deanestor Healthcare

eGroups Sponsor

We no longer allow attachments to files. To access/share Report Files, please go to the following link: http://www.egroups.com/files/vantage/
(Note: If this link does not work for you the first time you try it, go to www.egroups.com, login and be sure to save your password, choose My Groups, choose Vantage, then choose Files. If you save the password, the link above will work the next time you try it.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
It sounds like you have two problems here. First, you don't have the proper access parameters for your web site. This would be why you can access the web site on your machine, but not from others. If you are using IIS 3 or older, then the default security is to allow only the localhost access to the web server. If you are using IIS 3 I would strongly suggest upgrading to IIS 4. If you are using IIS 4, then check the security for your web site. Specifically, if by default access is allowed.

The second problem has to do with the ODBC setup. The, most likely, reason that you can see your reports, but can't refresh them is that you have the Save Data with Report checked in Crystal. Make sure you save your reports with no data. That way the reports will run when requested. The big thing to check with the ODBC setup is that you place all of the environment variables in the system portion of the environment, not the user environment. You may also have some registry errors.

You can do a search of the Knowledge Base at http://support.seagatesoftware.com for infinite logon. Even if you are using version 8, make sure you read the suggestions for version 7.

Please feel free to let me know if you have more problems,

Ted Kitch
----- Original Message -----
From: it@...
To: vantage@egroups.com
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 5:14 AM
Subject: [Vantage] 2 problems with Crystal Web Component Server

I wonder if somebody who is already running the Crystal Web Component Server
can help me out with it.

I have loaded the WCS on my NT4 Workstation and intend hosting our intranet
there (at least for the time being). It is running on Microsoft Peer Web
Services, using IIS2.

The 2 problems are as follows:

1 - I can access my reports from my machine, but when browsing for
http://aw01/ from another machine on the network, I'm asked for a password.
This I figure is a basic NT4 Workstation characteristic rather than anything
to do with WCS, but I'm new to NT4 workstation, so could anyone help me out
here? This also happens when trying to share printers on my NT4 machine!
I've tried entering the passwords for all the user profiles on the machine
but to no avail.

2 - When accessing my Crystal Reports on this machine, I see them no
problem - but when trying to refresh, i.e. connect to the db, I am asked for
a user id & password. ODBC is set-up for anonymous log-on, WCS is set up
for anonymous log-on, and I've tried using our network log-ons and vantage
log-ons but none of these work.

So I'm obviously missing something about how WCS is set up, so if anyone can
point me in the right direction, that'd be great.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Anton Wilson,
Systems Analyst,
Deanestor Healthcare

eGroups Sponsor

We no longer allow attachments to files. To access/share Report Files, please go to the following link: http://www.egroups.com/files/vantage/
(Note: If this link does not work for you the first time you try it, go to www.egroups.com, login and be sure to save your password, choose My Groups, choose Vantage, then choose Files. If you save the password, the link above will work the next time you try it.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]