2023 Client Patches.. ARE Cumulative!

Can someone confirm the below for me I was just doing some house cleaning and noticed that the point releases for Kinetic 2023 aren’t following the standard “growth” pattern of a cumulative patching system

.1 was 40MB, .2 was 41 MB, but .5 was 17MB, if this is right that means that a bunch of files that were ‘touched’ in .2 and .1 were not included in .5 or .6 which means that if you want ALL updates you now have to apply all individual patches from .1 to .9 in sequence.

I verified that the number of files in these zips is indeed different
.1 800+ files
.2 802 files
.3 817 files
.9 187 files…

#HALP @timshuwy :bat: ← that’s the bat signal… we need a better emoji :batsignal: #fixed

:bat: :flashlight:

3 posts were split to a new topic: Need a BatSignal and a BatSh*t Emoji

Bat signal @Rich or @pferrington :slight_smile:

Its supposed to grow cumulatively… example:

Otherwise we would have a gap, I dont even think the AutoUpdater installs them in sequence, it just installs the latest patch .zip you have.

I can confirm the ReleaseClient.zip is even different in sizes.

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Checking this out I noticed that the deliverable Update ZIP is growing in size

So, I’m wondering if they are squeezing the updates to the client due to less work being done on the ‘classic’ interface or some similar reasoning.

I checked with the Build team on this and Patrick reviewed the specific Zip file changes and while the Update sizes are not logical, the Updates are cumulative.

Difference in size between .4 and .5 where .5 is smaller was due to removing files that actually did not change from the original but were being included due to an irregularity in the comparison process - looks like most of those were ICE components.

Difference in size between .6 and .7 where .7 is considerably larger is due to the inclusion of the IW installation components in an Update. The IW components did not actually change but in previous Releases, IW components were included in every Update so they were added back to match the pattern of the previous Releases.

Sorry for the confusion - Good question Jose!!


Thanks for the quick response @Rich :clap::clap: :pray:

For sure, better to verify, good attention to detail.

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