2024.1.15 Kinetic SSRS Help Please can't print preview

Ok so our Epicor Tools Guy created from scratch for us an ssrs report that uses a BAQ for the data. That’s all set. I have been asked to create a different version of this report. I’m not 100% sure what I’m doing here but I know I’m close. I went into BAQ Report Designer and created a new report definition. I went into RDD report data definition and created a new report. I went into Report Style Maintenance where the Epicor Tools Guy already had his original report and I created a new report style. I downloaded the new blank file from report style, modified it to include all the fields from my BAQ that I need, and uploaded it to report style. Now I go over to what’s called Material Traveler, I can see my new report in the drop down, I select it, pick a job and click print preview. NOTHING is happening. I cannot see my PDF report please help!! Thank U!


Hi Linda,

Can you check system monitor and see if you can retrieve the error details?


I just did this yesterday, so I’ll try to remember the steps I took.

  • BAQ design - done.

  • BAQ Report Designer - Created a new BAQ Report and added my filter (was filtering by Sales Order).

    • Actions Menu > Preview Application (I was doing kinetic).
    • In the previewed application, overflow menu, I selected Generate for Design.
  • Back to BAQ Report Designer

    • Actions > Download SSRS Report
  • Report Builder - Opened and designed.

  • Back to BAQ Report Designer

    • Actions > Upload SSRS Report
    • Again chose “Preview Application”.
      - I could test (print preview) my report right there and made sure it was formatted correctly.

Once I was happy with it…

  • Menu Maintenance > Created a Menu for the report so others could get to it.
    • Tested/Opened the new menu… it worked.
  • Used Application Studio to customize it (because for some stupid reason the filters panel card is always collapsed by default). Saved, published.
  • Back to Menu Maintenance so I could deploy the layer onto the menu.

Also did some other customizing/events so the report could be run from Sales Order Entry… but that’s not pertinent.

BUT… what struck me about your post is… I never went into an RDD at all.


You should start here with what @jgehling said.

Thank you. Making progress

What does the error message state? Should be on the message card near the bottom

wow awesome. I CAN see my report now in BAQ Report Designer by clicking preview application as I am also working in Kinetic. I was missing a step it seems I had not uploaded to BAQ Report Designer? It’s a bit blurry now cuz I spent all day in our Pilot environment yesterday trying to figure this out. I can see my columns are off so I’ll need to adjust. That’s great I can finally see my print preview. Thank you SO MUCH! This could work. I REALLY NEED it to show up here however cuz this is where everyone else is used to going to pull the report. I wonder if they’ll mind getting it a different way, I can totally put it on the menu somewhere via Menu Maintenance.

Why won’t is show it to me this way/here?


another question I have is why is it showing as Report Style = Standard SSRS? When I created Report Style 1002???


The Standard - SSRS is the original one. Style 1001 would be the second and you created 1002.

The below circled control is a drop-down list… so yours would be the 3rd option.


So… if you’re getting a preview, you may be previewing the base style, not your 1002 style.

Remember when you “Preview Application”… you’re previewing the Kinetic App… not necessarily your report style. You still need to select your new report style from the drop-down before you print preview.

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Can you drag this down and get more of the error detail text.

Or, if you can highlight and copy/paste it into here so we can see it.

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wow, thanks. I missed that. Here is the full error msg:

Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask when executing task 679755 raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask:
Ice.Core.SsrsReporting.SsrsCaller.SsrsException: The SSRS server returned the status code 500 (InternalServerError) with the following error text:
An error has occurred during report processing. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during report processing. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Query execution failed for dataset 'RptLabels'. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'PartLot_MfgLot'.
   at Ice.Core.SsrsReporting.SsrsCaller.SoapCaller.Call[TContent,TResponse,TSoapHeader](String actionName, TContent content, TSoapHeader soapHeader) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\SsrsReporting\SsrsCaller\SoapCaller.cs:line 47
   at Ice.Core.SsrsReporting.SsrsCaller.ReportExecutionService.Render(String format, String deviceInfo, String& extension, String& mimeType, String& encoding, Warning[]& warnings, String[]& streamIds) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\SsrsReporting\SsrsCaller\ReportExecutionService.cs:line 75
   at Ice.Core.SsrsReporting.SsrsRendererBase.TraceReportRendered(String printProgram, String ssrsRenderFormat, Func`1 timedAction) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\SsrsReporting\SsrsRendererBase.cs:line 81
   at Ice.Core.SsrsReporting.ReportProcessorBase.RenderReport_HttpClient(String ssrsRenderFormat, String printProgram, Boolean ignorePageSettings) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\SsrsReporting\ReportProcessorBase.cs:line 387
   at Ice.Core.SsrsReporting.ReportProcessorBase.RenderReport(String ssrsRenderFormat, String printProgram, Boolean ignorePageSettings) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\SsrsReporting\ReportProcessorBase.cs:line 280
   at Ice.Core.SsrsReporting.ReportProcessorBase.ProcessReportPart(String reportLocation) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\SsrsReporting\ReportProcessorBase.cs:line 168
   at Ice.Core.RoutingAndBreaking.ReportPersister.Persist(ReportInstanceInformation reportInstance, Func`2 reportsRenderer, Action`1 fillSysRptLstRow, Action`2 processReport, Func`3 filterTableAttachmentsFunc) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\RoutingAndBreaking\ReportPersister.cs:line 58
   at Ice.Core.RptBase.ReportSsrsDatabaseBuilder.RenderUnroutedSsrsReport() in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\RptBase\ReportSsrsDatabaseBuilder.cs:line 360
   at Ice.Core.RptTaskBase`1.XMLClose() in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\RptBase\RptTaskBase.cs:line 224
   at Ice.Internal.XA.DataBuilders.DatabaseReportDataBuilder.RunReport(ReportDatabaseConnectionHelper reportDatabaseConnectionHelper) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.0\Source\Server\Internal\XA\XABaqRpt\DataBuilders\DatabaseReportDataBuilder.cs:line 94
   at Ice.Internal.XA.DataBuilders.DatabaseReportDataBuilder.RunReportWithErrorHandling(ReportDatabaseConnectionHelper reportDatabaseConnectionHelper) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.0\Source\Server\Internal\XA\XABaqRpt\DataBuilders\DatabaseReportDataBuilder.cs:line 56
   at Ice.Internal.XA.DataBuilders.DatabaseReportDataBuilder.WriteData() in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.0\Source\Server\Internal\XA\XABaqRpt\DataBuilders\DatabaseReportDataBuilder.cs:line 44
   at Ice.Internal.XA.BAQReport.DetermineOutputLocationAndWriteTables(String outputFileName, DataSet baqResultData) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.0\Source\Server\Internal\XA\XABaqRpt\BAQReport.cs:line 102
   at Ice.Internal.XA.BAQReport.WriteTables(String outputFileName, DataSet baqResultData) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.0\Source\Server\Internal\XA\XABaqRpt\BAQReport.cs:line 95
   at Ice.Internal.XA.BAQReport.RunProcess(Int64 instanceTaskNum, String outputFileName) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.0\Source\Server\Internal\XA\XABaqRpt\BAQReport.cs:line 44
   at Ice.Hosting.TaskCaller.InnerExecuteTask(IceDataContext newContext) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\TaskCaller.cs:line 70
   at Ice.Hosting.TaskCaller.ExecuteTask() in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\TaskCaller.cs:line 61
   at Ice.Lib.RunTask.BpmFriendlyTaskLauncher.Run(String sessionIdPrefix, IceContext db, Action taskRunner) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.0\Source\Server\Services\Lib\RunTask\BpmFriendlyTaskLauncher.cs:line 57
   at Ice.Services.Lib.RunTaskSvc.InnerRunTask(Int64 ipTaskNum, Boolean suppressTransaction) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.0\Source\Server\Services\Lib\RunTask\RunTask.cs:line 457

Okay, so, when reviewing these error… you can kinda scan down through until you see something that looks important, haha.

So… below I see the below text which I made BOLD:

Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask when executing task 679755 raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask:
Ice.Core.SsrsReporting.SsrsCaller.SsrsException: The SSRS server returned the status code 500 (InternalServerError) with the following error text:
An error has occurred during report processing. —> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during report processing. —> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Query execution failed for dataset ‘RptLabels’. —> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name ‘PartLot_MfgLot’.
at Ice.Core.SsrsReporting.SsrsCaller.SoapCaller.Call[TContent,TResponse,TSoapHeader](String actionName, TContent content, TSoapHeader soapHeader) in C:_releases\ICE\ICE4.3.100.15\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\SsrsReporting\SsrsCaller\SoapCaller.cs:line 47

So, I’m guessing PartLot_MfgLot is either not called out correctly in your report query expression, or perhaps not included in your RDD (not sure what work you were doing in there).

If you want to copy/paste your report query expression in here, we can look at that, too.


Super helpful! Thank you! I followed the steps you gave yesterday and put used Menu Maintenance to put up the report. My Quality department is happy with their new report.