At 04:00 PM 6/28/2002 -0500, you wrote:
is printing as 4 digits and falling off the end off the print line. You
might try editing the Vantage\DB\Vantage.PF file and removing the -yr4def
setting. Best thing is make a duplicate copy of the parameter line,
comment out the original with a # (pound character) in the 1st column, and
edit the duplicate line. This will make the default date display use 2
digits for the year, and is known to correct some display problems in other
modules too. It only affects the display, not the internal data
representation, so it's a safe thing to try. May fix it, may not.
data to a DBase (.DBF) file in C:\Vntgwork and then calls Crystal to format
it into a check. Try opening C:\Vntgwork\APTRAN.DBF with Excel after
printing or previewing a check and see if your invoice details are
there. They probably are.
If you have the Crystal Report package, the next step would be open your
check form, ChkPrint.RPT, and do a "Verify Database" to see if that
uncovers any problems. It's late on Friday, so I'm not gonna go in to
Modifying Vantage Crystal Reports 101. But it's covered in our list
archives and Epicor's tech support.
-Wayne Cox
Twenty Three -- Information Technology Consulting
>Funny thing happened to our checks when we upgraded to 5.0. No details onThe edit list is generated by a Progress program. It sounds like the year
>the check stub. We moved to 5.00.346 Progress 9.1c
>The edit list prints right but the date shows 6/10/20 instead of 6/10/02
>I think the problem is Vantage can't print 6/10/2002 and therefore prints
is printing as 4 digits and falling off the end off the print line. You
might try editing the Vantage\DB\Vantage.PF file and removing the -yr4def
setting. Best thing is make a duplicate copy of the parameter line,
comment out the original with a # (pound character) in the 1st column, and
edit the duplicate line. This will make the default date display use 2
digits for the year, and is known to correct some display problems in other
modules too. It only affects the display, not the internal data
representation, so it's a safe thing to try. May fix it, may not.
>Nothing means: no date, no invoice number, no description, no (sub) amount,The check is generated by a Crystal Report process. Vantage exports the
>I know that telling the vendors they need to be happy with a check
>regardless of what it needs to be applied against will generate zero humor.
data to a DBase (.DBF) file in C:\Vntgwork and then calls Crystal to format
it into a check. Try opening C:\Vntgwork\APTRAN.DBF with Excel after
printing or previewing a check and see if your invoice details are
there. They probably are.
If you have the Crystal Report package, the next step would be open your
check form, ChkPrint.RPT, and do a "Verify Database" to see if that
uncovers any problems. It's late on Friday, so I'm not gonna go in to
Modifying Vantage Crystal Reports 101. But it's covered in our list
archives and Epicor's tech support.
-Wayne Cox
Twenty Three -- Information Technology Consulting