6.1 Importing customer data


Fun and games! I suggest that you seriously consider have a reliable
data entry person enter them manually. I'd put the break even point
at about 3 days data entry and checking. More than this data import
may be worth the hassle.

During implementation our consultants used the data conversion tool to
load our customers. This worked without a hitch but I don't know
enough of the details to be of any further help on this method.

A couple of months later I eventually added our prospects and suspects
to the data base using the Vantage Customer/Contact Import Function
(Vantage/Sales Management/CRM Management/General Operations/Customer _
Contact Import) The help function there gives a pretty good guide to
how it works.

A couple of pointers:

I set up the import file in excel. You need to generate a CSV file to
import from. Vantage won't accept a file that is generated by the
Excel Save as, CSV, menu item. Microsoft has a macro at
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/291296/en-us that resolves this

As stated in the help file you need to set up the csv file with the
all the fields in the record even if the fields don't have any data.
At the time of our import the help file listed the fields in the
incorrect order and as a result my early attempts at import crashed!
My guess would be that this documentation bug has not been fixed. The
following order of fields correctly mapped our data but be warned that
it may not work for your data so check in a test database before
running the live import.

Order of Fields that I used was:
Cust. ID Name Address City State/Province Name Suffix
Initials First Name Middle Name Last Name
Prefix Function Special Mailing Address Address Field1
Field1 City State/Province Postal Code Country Fax
Phone Company Name EMail Address Role Code Cell
Phone Pager Home Alternate Title No contact
Character01 Character02 Character03 Character04
Character05 Character06 Character07 Character08
Character09 Character10 Number01 Number02
Number03 Number04 Number05 Number06
Number07 Number08 Number09 Number10
Date01 Date02 Date03 Date04 Date05 CheckBox01
CheckBox02 CheckBox03 CheckBox04 CheckBox05

Bob Findlay

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Dennis Houghton <dennish@h...> wrote:
> We have recently purchased the quote module and would like to import
> customer info and ship to info from another system. we can export
> data to a csv or text delimited format file, but don't have any idea
> to import this. Currently we have only limited data in the vantage
> customer table and actually have more data in the ship to table. Any
> help would be appreciated on this.
> thanks
> dennis
We have recently purchased the quote module and would like to import
customer info and ship to info from another system. we can export the
data to a csv or text delimited format file, but don't have any idea how
to import this. Currently we have only limited data in the vantage
customer table and actually have more data in the ship to table. Any
help would be appreciated on this.