Ability to change background color of form

In order to help users to recognize the actual plant there in…, being able to change background color of a form, one color for per particuliar plant, would be great! I know there is the bottom literal of the form showing the plant name, but a more visible way has been asked … less prone to errors…
I have done so for the sales order form, but it is a lots of wok to apply to all!

Or maybe such thing exists and I do not know about…what about having a theme applied (something similar to coloring setup of the main form menus , something similar could be applied for the plants?

just a thought…


This is already built in and it changes color, theme , icon set and pretty much anything you want if you are using Themeing.


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Ok thanks I have looked at how to access but do not have this menu:

Under preferences I can apply a theme though… but not sure I can set it for a specific plant…

I feel my version is missing this feature…or is it one that we have but not installed or activated?
I am on 10.0.700


I believe in that version the theme editor has to be accessed from the Classic client and not the modern shell client.

Got it. I had to add to myself the ability to maintain themes !! under user security options !
And yes, only available under Classic view.

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Jose - Can themes use logic? We do a monthly refresh of our PILOT and TEST db’s from LIVE. It’d be nice if there was a conditional that said - If db name != Live, then TestTheme.

They have logic for Company, Plant and a few others. So as long as you change the company ID it would work.

Jose - When I pick the FiterType = Company in the Style Filter Manager, There’s only one to choose from, which is the Company.Name field (we are single company/site), and in FilterValue, it shows Company.Company.

Is there a way to make selecting a child them automatic (i.e Company.Name <> “ESAPCO”), or do we have to select a different child theme every time we refresh the environments? Thanks!



honestly I have messed around with this in quite a while. I think the customization or tools guide gets into it though . Sorry