Accessing rows in dataset

I am getting a PartWhereUsedDataSet through the Part adapter. The number of rows in the resulting dataset is correct so I think I am on the right track. I am trying to read certain columns in each row but am not sure on the correct C# syntax in order to get the data. Below is my code. Does anyone see what I need to do in order to get certain columns into string variables so I can do comparisons?

PartAdapter myPartAdapter = new PartAdapter(oTrans);

Erp.BO.PartWhereUsedDataSet dsWhereUsed = myPartAdapter.GetPartWhereUsed(strPartNumber, 0, 1, out bMorePages);

Erp.BO.PartWhereUsedDataSet dsWhereUsedData = myPartAdapter.WhereUsedData;

int nCount = dsWhereUsedData.PartWhereUsed.Rows.Count;
MessageBox.Show("This is PartWhereUsed table " + nCount.ToString());

for (int nWhereUsedRow = 0; nWhereUsedRow < nCount; nWhereUsedRow++)
string strJobNum = dsWhereUsedData.PartWhereUsed[0].ToString();


I didn’t test it, but this should help:

PartAdapter myPartAdapter = new PartAdapter(oTrans);
bool bMorePages;

Erp.BO.PartWhereUsedDataSet dsWhereUsed = myPartAdapter.GetPartWhereUsed(strPartNumber, 0, 1, out bMorePages);
foreach (var row in myPartAdapter.WhereUsedData.PartWhereUsed)

That works!!! Thank you so much!!!