Add Uninvoiced Column to AP Invoice Billing Lines

Hello Everyone,

Our AP team is wanting me to add the Total Uninvoiced amount to the Grid view in AP Invoice Add Receipt Billing Lines screen. We are working through our upgrade currently and in E9 that data column exist in the grid view.

In Kinetic the data exist in a number box, that appears to subscribe to the grid view to fill in the value. The DocPackingSlipTotal field exist to show in personalizations but it contains no data.

I have referenced a few post on the site that suggest to create a new grid BAQ and pull that value in via that and replace the existing system BAQ. The only concern that I have with creating another BAQ Grid view is the existing functionality of the screen could be broken in doing so. I plan to pursue those efforts to find out if it works but I am curious if this issue can be solved with a less complicated solution. I am also curious if this is possibly a conversion issue when upgrading the database. This is the field EpiBinding: APReceiptTotal.DocAvailableTotal. Any help is appreciated.

Shawn J

@SJordan Since the field is there I would look at the trace to see what was running to populate the grid and post processing on that calculate the field value.