Adding text to email BPM

I am working on a transfer order email bpm to notify the when a TO has been created. I am able to get the data that I need, just trying to add some text to indicate what that data actually is. I can’t seem to add the text into the body with the data. Any suggestions would be helpful, this is the current body of the email. I’m trying to add the text before each selection.

Transfer Order
Transfer Order Line<MyFieldQuery (1)/>
Transfer From<MyFieldQuery (2)/>
Transfer To<MyFieldQuery (3)/>
Requested Date/Time<MyFieldQuery (4)/>
Need By Date/Time<MyFieldQuery (5)/>
Part Number<MyFieldQuery (6)/>

You’re using the email widget? Should be able to type right in.

Like the image in the following

And if the text is dynamic, add it in as query fields so you can reference it like the others.

not using APR, standard BPM Email. Typed in the text and nothing comes over.


So you don’t get an email, or you do get one but only field (part inside < > ) is in the body


I doubt it maters, but try putting a space between your static text and the field.

getting the email, but only the data not the text before each one.

000030 2 12 11 3/31/2023 12:00:00 AM 3/31/2023 12:00:00 AM E-0018-S082

I’d try removing all the fields and just entering static text to see if that comes through. Then add one field and try it.

Also odd that the line breaks aren’t maintained either.

HTML or Plain Text?

Edit: Nevermind, Widget doesn’t have that option.

The BPM widget is only text. Unless you use the following trick