Advent of Code 2022

:astonished: that’s cool! We should have a rance O(n) loop vs whatever LINQ did… I’d be interested in the results.

And another one! Day 5 complete. This too was pretty easy, using Stack() and a little Regex…

I’m missing something on Day2… done it in C#, wrong answer. Checked a few manually, all checks out. Done it again in Excel, I get the same answer! I’m obviously reading the question incorrectly…

EDIT - I was reading it wrong, correct answer now achieved :+1:


The shame of being too busy this year is somehow mitigated by my teen (not bragging or anything… not 'arf😏)

Hey recruiters

Anyone using anything other than c#? I’ve been using this as a good opportunity to learn GO better

I started with Excel. But then made a template solution in VS and am only doing C#

BAH Humbug today’s Problem is a lot of input parsing and I’m bored already :joy: this one is dumb. The way they give you the input as a set of “commands” is absurd this isn’t a challenging logic problem it is just a boring can you parse the input problem.

Then they give you a trivial “logic” problem to solve in that structure.

It was challenging because it wasn’t interesting. I just brute forced it.

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