For our shipping people I would like to create an inventory tag that has a Datamatrix 2D barcode that contains PartNum, LotNum, and Quantity.
I would like the shipping person to scan the barcode when they are on the PackOut screen and have all three fields populate automatically.
I have tried embedding a horizontal tab in the barcode string, however the cursor just stays on the part number field and never tabs over to the LotNum.
Just wondering if anyone has done this - used a single barcode to populate more than one Epicor Field?
Have you already tried scanning your barcode into an open session of notepad?
I usually use notepad to verify that my tabs have been successfully added to a bar code.
Reason… it is not unusual for something “extra” to be happening in an Epicor entry form that will require additional handling.
e.g. there is a time lag after the Job number is input when starting an activity in MES.
E10 tries to verify job number and this can cause the bar code scan to time out.
I am using notepad++ to show all characters so I am pretty confident the control characters are being transmitted.
as you can see the tabs are shown as an arrow.
I also, tried changing the user interface to have the carriage return act as Tab and then I appended a CRLF to the end of the part and lot. However, that does not work either.
Got it! - .Zebra/Symbol has a setting called “Enable Function Key Mapping” .
Turn that on and then the tabs will be honored by Epicor.
I start with the cursor in the Partnumber field of the Packout tab, scan the barcode, and the partnumber, Lotnumber and Quantity are automatically entered.
Now print out a barcode that has the keys for New Line. Just keep it in a book at the packing station. Then after scanning that Part/Lot/Qty barcode, scan that static code to create the new pack line
I have implemented barcodes in Code 39 with multiple fields on 10.1.600. Just a heads up that sometimes simply a tab is not enough, you may need to insert a pause.
Mr. Brad: Thanks for the heads up. I have not run into that – yet.
I have part numbers that contain symbols outside the Code39 character set, AND I have one part number that is 48 characters wide – too many characters for a good 1d barcode.
I may run into timing issues down the road – thanks again for the heads up.
Brad, I know this is an old post, but I am looking to add a pause in the barcode when printing from SSRS. Expression: “" & Fields!JobNum.Value & “$I” & Format(Fields!AssemblySeq.Value, “0”) & “$I” & Format(Fields!OprSeq.Value, “0”) & "”
The above expression is generating the barcode I need. But after JobNum and first tab is scanned, I need to put a pause, so that the screen has time to process the jobnumber and open fields for AssemblySeq and OprSeq. Could you share how you were able to add a pause in Barcode?
Can I hijack?
Ive been asked to add to some reports barcodes, which contain multiple fields
Im very new to barcodes, im assuming this is possible. What do I use as a separator between fields?
I have been able previously to convert one field to a bar code using font on the server which working great, but not entirely sure how to put more info in…
It depends on how you want to use the barcodes. Below are two examples we’ve used…
Using programmed “Tabs”:
You could use “$I” which will insert a “tab” between field values if you’re trying to push values into multiple fields… BUT the target fields need to be in the correct tab order on the form for that to work.
For this to work, you have to make sure your scanners are setup to read Full ASCII Code and may depend on the barcode font you’re using (we use Code 39).
I did this in one instance combining Job, Assy, & Mtl on a Job Pick List. SSRS expression below… but again, I did some form customization in the Kinetic UI to land all the values where I wanted them.
So… this expression equates to: JobNum -TAB- AssemblySeq -TAB- MtlSeq
Using Epicor Functions:
We have another customization which uses “$A” as our separator. In that case we used an Epicor Function to split the scan into the fields we wanted… so the separator could have been anything we wanted.
I would first figure out where you want the scanned values to land. If the fields are in sequential order (or if you can reasonably update the form so they are)… then “Tabs” could work. But if the form is ever altered, it could result in values landing in the wrong places.
The Epicor Function route using some code to split the scan values into specific fields may be a more update-proof route.
This requirement is coming from our customer who is asking for barcodes on some labels we currently provide - so i think at this point i need to know the order of the data they want for the barcode and the type of separator