Anyone using Job Misc Charges for AP Invoices and has the costs going to WIP

Within an AP Invoice, we are using the Job Misc Charges option for a line. This is usually used for freight on various parts that are purchased specifically for the job. The problem I have is that the financial transactions will not go to the WIP Account (which I thought was logical given it was a Job Transaction) and as such our WIP GL Balance is out of balance to our Sub Ledger.
Any suggestions?
Anyone had to edit the GL Transaction Type for this reason?
How else do others add costs which were not on a Purchase Order directly to a job?

For Misc Charge on Purchases, check the GL Control Maintenance to see if the Account for your Misc Charge has a Control. I think everything will balance if the GL control are set correctly.

Yes but these are specifically Job Misc purchases so they get allocated to a job. As such it should go to the WIP account of the job they are being applied to.

I believe that you have to add a material line on the Job and link it that way. OR if the charge is related to the actual line on your AP Invoice as a Receipt, then add as a Misc LINE charge. That way, the cost will goto WIP.


It seems even if I add it as a material line to the job, it still doesn’t go to the WIP Account.

Even in the Hierarchy document, it goes to the ‘Clearing’ account’. Not sure why it goes to the clearing account when it isn’t a GRNI but an invoice. If I change the clearing account on the AP Account to be WIP then when I do have a Goods Receipt Entry, that will also go to WIP!



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Epicor has a complicated cycle on AP invoice jo charge, what it does is, on the AP invoice it goes to the clearing account when you do the Job charge, once this is posted and you run COSWIP it moves from clearing account to JOB WIP.

Thank you. This was the trick we were missing. Would be nice if this was in the Hierarchy document!

It’s in the hierarchy document, just read down a bit after the section you already posted:
